Hi everyone i don't know why 3ds max render to texture normalmap and occ is working weard
i resized the highpoly a bit more than lowpoly and triangulated the lowpoly but why triangles are coming in map.
1) MentalRay messes up the padding if you have more than one map output in Render To Texture. So bake each map (bump, AO, diffuse) one at a time and only have that one map in the output slot. Its a pain but its the only way to get MentalRay to correctly calculate the edge padding, which it looks like you need more of...
2) It looks like your low poly object is being included in the bake. To fix this you can do one of two things.
A) On the low poly object go into element mode and hide all, then bake (This won't work if you have "render hidden objects" turned on in the render setup window.) Select the low poly object, right click the viewport, choose object properties and uncheck "renderable".
Not Working ,i am baking one map at one time as you told i unchecked render hidden objects and renderable in object properties ,But it's coming black in map 'nothing visible .Should i use scanline or mentalray.
2) It looks like your low poly object is being included in the bake. To fix this you can do one of two things.
A) On the low poly object go into element mode and hide all, then bake (This won't work if you have "render hidden objects" turned on in the render setup window.)
Select the low poly object, right click the viewport, choose object properties and uncheck "renderable".