Name still pending!
Doing one of Pior's helmet conepts(concept is drawn on a knight but were using it as a crossbowmen helmet) Also have my own idea for a crossbow, will have some pics of the crossbow WIP soon.
Here's the base helmet, going to start giving it some character details. Also the jaw protectors are probably going to change in shape a bit, not sure how yet though going to explore in 3d.
Heres my progress on the sword
And yes - this might make for a great Man At Arms set, I agree
FYI for anyone working on the broadsword, the root jnt has a scale of 2.54 that you will have to change to 1 before export to get the scale correct. I'm going to double check that solution with someone from Torn banner.
as for this: "FYI for anyone working on the broadsword, the root jnt has a scale of 2.54 that you will have to change to 1 before export to get the scale correct. I'm going to double check that solution with someone from Torn banner."
I had the same issue, except setting it to 1 solved nothing for me, since it wouldn't let me rig it if I changed the scale.
Instead, I exported FBX converted to inches (I was using cm), and it scaled perfectly.
Good luck,
That would be the Proper way of doing it, I later realized that 2.54 is the conversion amount from cm to inches, thanks to Pior, derp!
By the way, can you explain how to import the character with gear inside the test scene? I can gear my character inside animation editor, but cant do anything in the main scene. Any manuals will help! Thanks!
for testing, there are some maps in
Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\chivalrymedievalwarfare\UDKGame\ContentSDK\ExampleMaps
there are two maps, HelmetScene and WeaponScene that have all ingame weapons and helmets layed out nicely. From there you can just drag and drop your static mesh or skeletal mesh into the editor view from the "content browser"
Although I still can't see my items in the "most recent" list. Pior says he can so I guess its fine, can anyone else confirm they can see it? for that matter that they can only see the one item now.
Also for that matter, i couldn't actually find anywhere where it said you had to submit your items in one submission and not per item. Was this somewhere I didn't see?