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[Chivalry] Agatha Man At Arms - Ēostre Heirlooms

polycounter lvl 7
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DesireeFernandes polycounter lvl 7
I'm basing my set on the season of spring. I'm bringing some elements and motifs of spring into the set without it becoming too impractical for daily use; these are meant to be time-tested and well-worn pieces.


Of course, feedback and critique is appreciated and welcome.


  • Nolt
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    Nolt polycounter lvl 13
    Unfortunately, Fall is setting in rather than Spring.... Then Winter.... Oh the cold weather.. Anyway! I like the sword, although you might want the handle to be longer all depending on which sword type you replace. For the helmet, I might move the back part on the neck further out/up so he will be able to tilt his head up a bit. But that's my opinion.
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