Up till now I've been working in sales to get by as i tech myself for my career. But doing it full time is mentally tiring (I'm honestly not a social person) to where i don't feel like continuing my work at home. This mainly applies to commission jobs cause there's more pressure.
So i have an opportunity to have a job fixing computers (which I've done on the side before), and i'm thinking of just doing away with sales and moving on to fixing computers.
I've always viewed doing sales as a way to tech me how to talk to people and sell myself.
But I'm wondering how valuable 'working' experience fixing computers is to being hired as game artist?
A good working knowledge of computers certainly doesn't hurt tho !
all of this:
just about every studio will have an operations person or team, who will handle the hardware side of things.
Ok then good to know thanks guys!
just don't think this will help you much with finding a job as a game artist, your portfolio and skills are there for this.
I regularly perform maintenance and upgrade on my system and knowing exactly where the problems are allows me to get back to work quick without having to pay someone and tie up my computer for days.
Have you tried restarting it 3 times?
Computer repair skills certainly aren't going to hurt you at all. They'll either be neutral or be helpful. I say go for it as long as it isn't a huge pay cut (or can afford the pay cut, whichever).
Haha, I know exactly what you mean