Figured I'd start one of these threads since I'm trying to get more proficient with ZBrush now that I actually own a copy of it. The program makes me want to bash my head against a wall, but maybe Ill get over it with enough practice.

So first up, I thought Id try something simple
Say Mokona from Rayearth. So I figured Id just bite the bullet and try doing everything in ZBrush itself so I started with a Dynamesh sphere and came up with this horrible little gremlin monster, I mean, halfway decent base after
a few hours?

And then a little, or a lot more time later, I managed to eek out what you see below by going through various remeshing/dynameshing/and sculpting passes. So far, front view is looking great, but the other angles are suffering a bit.

In general, Id say Im struggling with getting the shapes I want. Even at pretty low resolution, since high poly is scary. The above images were only uprressed to allow me to better define the mouth. The ears in particular seem flabby to me when viewed in profile. Getting the edges to feel the appropriate thickness and smoothness has been challenging. I should probably find a few more reference images of the marshmallow in side view as well. And add in his stubby little tail...
Well see how I feel in the morning with a fresh set of eyes.
Did some one minute gesture drawings using this tool. Goodness I feel out of practice.
More one minute gesture drawings.
And a little more polish (about 15 minutes).
Spent about 15 more minutes on this today.
Today I studied a sea otter.
Model and texture for this one.
Gotta refine the hair a bit and then I think I'm off to pose this lady.
And posed.
My brother-in-law has been doing this "game a month" deal for a while now and asked if I would be interested in helping him out this month. Obviously the goal was to make a zelda-esque dungeon game and making a tile set for that sounded like a fun challenge. This is an example layout I was using to test most of the pieces.
You can play the game here. The "deadline" for the game is March 1st, so there may still be some tweaks here and there. Eventually I'll post some character sprites too.
It came out pretty well for my first try, I think? I ended up settling for a 65mm height and I think most of the detail wasn't completely destroyed.
And a few ZBrush face sketches:
And some WIP stuff for my Dullahan in the first Monthly Handpaint Art Jam Thread:
Just updating SketchFab links now that it works again.
Here's the WIP of the base model I'm putting together for the human race. I've been trying to keep it a bit androgynous at this phase before I delve into two versions for the full base male and female models. I'd love any feedback I could get on the proportions and/or anatomy at this stage.