The idea is not original, I've seen Chris Cunningham's(passerby) video here:,
and decided to wait for it, but I've needed the script for one of my projects, I've done it, and now I'm sharing it maybe some of you will need it to.
good job tackling the problem, haven't tried it, but what approach did you take running things through the com interface and controlling photoshop from mayas python interpreter. or writing JS code for Photoshop to run?
Also where you able to get past the performance problems with building the selection 1 vert at a time in ps?
I didn't used the com interface, to send the selections to PS I've just created a .jsx file that is executed by subprocess.Popen() command...
My approach was like this: flatten the selected edges or faces as their uv's then just use the polyToCurve to create a curve, and read after that the curve's cvs positions, than in Photoshop I've created paths which by script where used to make selections
Yes, the script it's taking care of uv's outside the 0-1 space and also it duplicates the selection if there are tillable uv's(uv shells that starts on 0-1 and finish on 1-1 for example)
At a first glance I've reed out the uv's data also, but then I had the problem with the uv borders as well so I've realized that it's faster to transform the geo to uv positions and let the maya polyToCurve to take care of the flow for the edges... The only problem with that it's the fact that maya doesn't create curves from all the edges, so I had to create a check to see if all the selected edges from one shell where used for the curve creation, if not make another curve for that.
Any way thank you for taking interested into my script, hope you will find it useful, and I hope you're not mad on steeling your idea...:)
Also where you able to get past the performance problems with building the selection 1 vert at a time in ps?
My approach was like this: flatten the selected edges or faces as their uv's then just use the polyToCurve to create a curve, and read after that the curve's cvs positions, than in Photoshop I've created paths which by script where used to make selections
And passerby, what's the song in your video? I need it.
edit: im in ur tabs.
I should play this game sometime.
ah, ya in my case i was reading the UV data its self, worked pretty good just was getting problems on uv seams.
are you handling stuff outside of the 0 to 1 uv space?
At a first glance I've reed out the uv's data also, but then I had the problem with the uv borders as well so I've realized that it's faster to transform the geo to uv positions and let the maya polyToCurve to take care of the flow for the edges... The only problem with that it's the fact that maya doesn't create curves from all the edges, so I had to create a check to see if all the selected edges from one shell where used for the curve creation, if not make another curve for that.
Any way thank you for taking interested into my script, hope you will find it useful, and I hope you're not mad on steeling your idea...:)