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Werewolf sculpt !!!!critique needed!!!!!

Hi guys, i've just started to work on my character sculpting portfolio and am new to POLYCOUNT. I would need a little help in detecting my flaws in the first sculpt i'm doing. It will be a scene in were the "wolf" plays a big part. Any and all critique will be greatly appreciated Thanks :)


  • Cibo
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    Cibo polycounter lvl 10
    The legs are the weakest point in my opinion. The "balance" looks disturbed because it looks like he walk on tiptoes.


    A good example werwolf with strong legs more balanced from the muscle mass and the claws-food junction is not to strong.

    Another thing is the maul which is to bulky for a wolf and a bumpy head from the scultping.
  • Wess01
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    Thanks for the advice i'll will definitely look in to the pose and the facial structure :) keeping it thru to the "primal wolf" and adding something from me. Thanks for the Help
  • Wess01
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    Hi guys here is a update on the positioning of the character , any and all feed back is appreciated thanks :)
  • InProgress
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    InProgress polycounter lvl 14
    Hey, man! Great to see you finally post her.

    It's getting there! You still need some work on the pose, since it looks quite awkward right now. The arms are really out there, and don't make much sense. It doesn't feel very feral at the moment. Maybe have it lean on one hand, and readying his other arm to lunge at its victim.

    The pose also feels boring and static to me. If you look at the image Cibo posted, you can see a better pose, with a lot more character. It's turning its body, like it heard prey somewhere nearby.

    Having the mouth open doesn't look very intimidating either. A snarl seems to be more effective at intimidation to me. Although, I do understand that it's really difficult to fix at this point.

    Keep it up, you're getting better at making a really dynamic sculpt!
  • Wess01
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    Thanks for the input i'll definitely work on the pose and post when it is better
    Thanks again :)
  • Wess01
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    Hi guys so I finest the scene I would like to hear your honest opinions on it
  • MrCreator
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    Hey, awesome work, love the scene, but what I would say is that Little red riding hood looks a bit lifeless, maybe give her a different pose so it comes to life a bit more.. Id suggest her being crounched and picking up grass or putting something down on the ground
  • Wess01
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    Hi thanks for the feedback :) i appreciate it .... the girl should be a little stiff because she is waiting for him to attack.
    I'll try to make that more obvious.
  • InProgress
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    InProgress polycounter lvl 14
    Hey, dude. Looks much better now. I do agree with MrCreator, though. She looks lifeless. I don't understand her facial expression either, so you might want to look into that as well, to make it clearer for the viewer.

    A super minor nitpick that I have, is the way she holds the basket. It's held very mathematically, perfectly parallel to the ground. Also, from the position of her wrist, you can also tell that the basket is weightless. Again, as I said, minor :) Keep it up!
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