Hello guys,
Don't know how to avoid this issue while sculpting and do you know why it happens? I know if I go with Dynamesh it will recreate the perfect mesh, but after I created my base mesh by Dynamesh and go subdivision for sculpting more details and for just a while I realized this issue happening:poly118:. I just cant go back with dynamesh while my model at the level 3-4 of subdivision and I guess you know why:poly124:. I tried with Zremesher too but after getting a good base mesh for awhile it just keeps randomly happen again :poly127:.
So is there any ways avoid this while sculpting?:poly127:

@DireWolf: I mean I create base mesh by sphere and then dynamesh for dragging and moving cuz it provides more geometry for me when re-dynamesh.
So you mean I should Zremesher before jump into detailing (subdivision)?
p/s: Just realize this issue happened on my basemesh too, even if I re-dynamesh it doesn't help.
ZRemesher is a newer feature, and is quick enough that it happens to work very nicely as an extra step to create a cleaner mesh that is more pleasant to work with.