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[Zbrush] Bad geometry while sculpting

polycounter lvl 9
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Pain polycounter lvl 9
Hello guys,

Don't know how to avoid this issue while sculpting and do you know why it happens? I know if I go with Dynamesh it will recreate the perfect mesh, but after I created my base mesh by Dynamesh and go subdivision for sculpting more details and for just a while I realized this issue happening:poly118:. I just cant go back with dynamesh while my model at the level 3-4 of subdivision and I guess you know why:poly124:. I tried with Zremesher too but after getting a good base mesh for awhile it just keeps randomly happen again :poly127:.

So is there any ways avoid this while sculpting?:poly127:



  • Adam Chilton
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    Adam Chilton polycounter lvl 4
    Can you show your base mesh?
  • DireWolf
    What do you mean you "create base mesh by Dynamesh" ? You should use Zremesher to for base mesh and project your sculpts onto that.
  • Pain
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    Pain polycounter lvl 9
    This is my base mesh

    @DireWolf: I mean I create base mesh by sphere and then dynamesh for dragging and moving cuz it provides more geometry for me when re-dynamesh.
    So you mean I should Zremesher before jump into detailing (subdivision)?
    p/s: Just realize this issue happened on my basemesh too, even if I re-dynamesh it doesn't help.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    It's a nature of dynamesh, you aren't supposed to use it for subdivisions. You should use it to block out your forms and then create new topology on top of that using Zremesher function in Zbrush or other software that can do retopology.
  • DireWolf
    What I see generally is that many people would sculpt with Dynamesh to some extend, and then they'd duplicate it and Zremesh it to generate a low poly. This low poly is the one they would subdiv further and project what they have onto it and would no longer touch Dynamesh anymore.
  • Pain
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    Pain polycounter lvl 9
    I always thought I would block out my forms by dynamesh and then de-active dynamesh and go subdivision. Never knew before there must be a remesh step, thanks guys so much, it seems ok for now :poly124: :thumbup:.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    I always thought I would block out my forms by dynamesh and then de-active dynamesh and go subdivision.
    That's how it went before Q/ZRemesher. It worked out fine in some circumstances, in other cases you'll get triangles where you might not want them. The trick was to try and smooth them away with the alternate smoothing algorithm, and to use as low a dynamesh resolution as necessary and let subdivision handle the bulk of the work.

    ZRemesher is a newer feature, and is quick enough that it happens to work very nicely as an extra step to create a cleaner mesh that is more pleasant to work with.
  • RappyBMX
    Tip: You can smooth those out by holding shift + click to start smoothing and release shift while continuing smoothing :D ( when you release shift it uses another algorithm that works better in those cases )
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