so, im fairly new to the whole game, and ive got a decent set of rendering skills, but there is one render that i just cant figure out! its the amazing soft white eye candy style render.
how the heck!??
for reference, this is what im talking about:

can anyone tell me how to get that look? is it a specific material, or style? or is it rendered in a special way? inside marmoset, or mental ray??
how do I get my simple gray material to look so white and nice??
despite how it sounds, im not an idiot so please no 'set the material color to white' >_>
Do some clean up and level adjustment in photoshop and you should be all set
- Want grey shaded, simple white dome light would do
- Want blue tone in your shadow, a sun & sky & GI would do the trick.
Alternatively you can also try those studio lighting or sky HDRI. Mamoset comes bundle with quite a few for you to pick from.
image 1 is an ambient occlusion render (just google for it there are thousands of tutorials / answers)