Hi there! For my Final for class, we are making a three headed monster! I am a few days into the sculpt, and would love some critiques. We were told to change a few things in the concept, the first being to offset the heads. The second to make him a skinnier. Other then that I am doing my best to match! I have only been placing where spikes and such would go, and will soon start to shape them out more.

Or are you planning for a different material entirely?
Deathstick-Fixed that, thanks for pointing that out, I was unsure which to go with.
Direwolf- Thanks, I've changed it on that head and he looks a lot better now, I'll be changing the rest soon enough!
I messed with the sculpt a bit more, but had to get started on re-toppling and Baking. Here is my AO and cavity. I've started throwing down some color as well
(This is out of Unreal)
I like the shapes, the idea and the look.
It could be a bit more crisp - looks a bit too smooth/soft for me.
For example the transistion on the back between the horn shaps on the leg to the skin.
Also the shape for the forehand/leg looks from the sideview a bit weird
agree with others on the loss of silhouette, but that happens with tight deadlines.
I understand this is for school, but come back to it and push it some more!
He did not mention much about the coloring, but I will be sure to try to sharpen it up and get rid of the softness. And as for the shape loss, I completely agree. I was in Orthographic mode for most of the modeling, that killed a lot of the shape and I am kicking myself for it. I'll do my best to fix that up.
Here were the notes I took from the critique-
Necks are too long,
Lost shapes on right head
Metal needs love
Teeth have been changed poorly
Build out the stuff on the foot in geo, needs more color
Re-sculpt out the right guys jaw.
More variations on the middle guys jaw, (the sides) Its also empty on the side of head
Left guy is plain. More variation on jaw.
Maybe add some plates on the butt area to break up the empty form
And if anyone is interested, here is what it looks like in consistant colors in max - http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/259/a/9/thdasd_by_kazaie-d7zgkxw.png