So these are some of my recent speed sculpts. I am getting a hard time when working from reference, trying to create the portrait of a specific guy, so i could use some advice here.
This is Cain from the Diablo franchise,
Scultp : now that i look at it again, he really doesnt look like Cain, but here it is anyway (i will add the beard later on)
Caesar from Asterix and Obelix comic books :
Sculpt : ( i am pretty sure i failed with the eyes, they are a way too far from the nose)
And these are just some creature heads created without a reference, just started from a base mesh and stoped when i was happy with the result :
I'd in fact advise you to stay away from them for a little while. Taking up some ref and having at trying to create a good likeness in some free time is fine, but don't actively limit yourself on time at this stage. You want to be spending quite a while really nailing down landmark forms.
You need to get a better handle on the tools so you know how to get the shapes you need, but you need to train your eye to identify forms, and understand whats going on to create that form, also. Anatomy studies and practice. Its not always fun, but you won't ever regret it.
Work at the lowest subdivision possible while blocking out the main forms of the face you're trying to recreate, and make sure to look from both the front and side. Only when the lack of points to push stops you from progressing should you go up a subdivision. This keeps the mesh pliable, and easy to smooth and adjust. I don't know what you're using to sculpt right now, though.
I'd suggest you have a good, long study of the Planes of the Face.
And never forget Anatomy4Sculptors, a great resource for study.
Good luck, hope I'm not being too much of a downer by telling you to study.
Think about the major planes in a face I will add a image I have found particularly helpful.
Notice how the stylised faces are still based on the rules of reality.
Keep practising tho
Thanks a lot!
( i currently sculpt on blender btw)