Been trying to learn Zbrush for the past weeks, everything worked fine until now. I was going to sculpt a rock face when i turned on dynamesh and this happened. In other words, it creates holes everywhere on the mesh.
I'm not too experienced in Zbrush- should it matter that it's a flat plane instead of say, a cylinder?
Yes. The DynaMesh remeshing process can only work on volumes and not on surfaces. Something to do with how it uses the resolution to determine the 3d grid that gets wrapped over the model. It's very volume-based to the point where thin meshes will lead to holes and other errors, and a flat plane will cause all sorts of problems.
Yes. The DynaMesh remeshing process can only work on volumes and not on surfaces. Something to do with how it uses the resolution to determine the 3d grid that gets wrapped over the model. It's very volume-based to the point where thin meshes will lead to holes and other errors, and a flat plane will cause all sorts of problems.