One of the aspects of 3D modeling I quite enjoy is trying to fit all my UV islands together to make a map with as little "white space" as possible.
This made me wonder if there is a program which can empirically measure the ratio between UV island covered area and empty space?
It would just be nice to know my UV map has 85% coverage, for example
I've got a MaxScript named Texture Area. Not sure which program you are using.
Blur average in Photoshop, and use the color picker on the averaged color out of your hue saturation and brightness, your brightness box should tell you what % of the UV space you are using.
Less seams will also result in less vertex use as well. Super tight packing has another drawback, if you don't leave enough space between your UV islands you will get seams/artifacts as your textures mip down. Consistent texal density is also extremely important, its better to have consistent detail than to use all your space but have one mesh chuck with 2x the pixels as another.
So while its important to have efficiently packed uvs and not have excessively wasted space, there are many other factors to consider as well. A wasted space % number may be useful to see if you're really off the mark, but it won't tell you if you have a good layout.