Hey guys,
I am having a very tough time today since encountering (a bug?) in zbrush where I've been poly painting, and after editing the UI of my ZBrush. It seems whenever I press "C" to color sample another color in the scene. I paint with it, but it comes out black/grey/brown. Which is clearly not what I had sampled, nor is it the opposite color to "switchcolor" to...
Take note, no layers were used when this came up.
Any ideas or anyone who's overcome this problem?

Check it, if you use the "model opacity" slider at any point and edit the ui or reset the configuration to be stored with your current setup. If the model opacity is set to a lower % than 100%. That data will be stored in ZBrush's current state and polypaint will appear to be painted on a model like it has "polypaint mode" set to multiply or something than standard.
Hope this helps anyone who encounters this in their future! Cheers.