According to the
wiki page, I'm doing this correctly, not that there's that much I can do to botch this up. But when I go into cross-app, nothing happens in Toolbag 2.
What's more, is if Hide Photoshop is ticked, I don't get the Photoshop window back either by un-checking Cross-app mode, or by closing Toolbag, though the PS process is still running. If I've kept Hide Photoshop unticked, entered then exited Cross-app with Toolbag, then close Toolbag, Quixel no longer has top focus within Photoshop. As I type this post in this state, any time I mouse over Photoshop, it becomes the active window.
I'm running Win7, Photoshop CS6, Quixel Suite 1.3, all 64 bit and running as admin. Java and .net are up to date.
I suspect there's still something wrong with my installation somewhere, though I've reinstalled several times now, testing within the default c:\users\... or my own c:\apps\... folder. I still have the issue where the suite doesn't have focus/docking inside photoshop, it launches behind windows and has no taskbar icon - I need to minimize everything to see it.
To work as expected, I need to launch Photoshop, launch suite, close suite, launch suite.
Have you loaded the .tbmat file that ddo generates in to toolbag? Can you see your textures at all in toolbag?
The photosop dissapearing act is a bug that is fixed in 1.4 that will be released soon!
I did end up loading the tbmat and obj into toolbag by hand, the tbmat was created properly.
Another issue: "Copy Mask to all Maps" didn't work, or didn't work consistently. After hand-painting out some masks in the Albedo, I ran this from the dropdown, and it worked once or twice at first. After more painting, I could see the documents and layers in the other maps being visited, but nothing was copied across.
Quick Edit: I just noticed that when mousing over the main Suite toolbar (but not DDO), window focus goes to Photoshop without clicking on anything. Suite/dDo are not visible in PS, since they're docked in TB2.
Edit 2: It's when mousing over then away from the dDo window that focus shifts. The main Suite bar isn't the issue.
I wasn't sure if you wanted to see it working properly, here's a TB2 snapshot after manually dropping in the obj and tbmat.
@Shanteez - A lot more cross app info is coming soon!
Also, how do I get photoshop back after I hide it with cross app?
But the issue with window focus once cross-app is enabled is still a problem.
The photoshop dissapearing act is a bug that we're aware of and trying to eliminate!
@throttle kitty - sorry, maybe in the future we can have that functionality!
Yes the window focus is a really annoying bug and Teddy is looking in to that!
I followed that guide a few times, but it still didn't seem to be working.
Edit - Seems I had to reset the export location.