Hello there Polycounters !
I'm encountering an annoying thing with my model after I use Auto-unwrap of Maya 2015's bonus tool. There are green dots taking over my model at every vertice point ... I've looked everywhere how to get rid of them but I can't find out ! Do you guys have an idea ?

It seems like Maya is behaving normally, or are the UVs remaining selected after attempting to make a new selection?
I can do what you describe with the geen and brown colors by selecting and deselecting the uv vertices, which I couldn't do last time ... I had that problem before but it appears to be quite rare ... I just though there could be something I was doing wrong !
In any case, thank you for your answer
Sometimes Maya will have some visual bugs where components will appear to be selected even though they aren't. In lieu of restarting, these instances can be fixed by switching to the respective component mode, then selecting and deselecting everything.