I would like to extrude inwards to create a inset on a model. However when I do so the extrude does not carry the border edge of the face that is being extruded inwards.
Is there a technique to fix this, or a another tool in Maya to prevent or fix this from happening.
Also is it a bad habit to extrude inwards? (Figured it wouldn't make sense to extrude inwards considering extrude means to pull out.)
Here is an example of the problem:

Much appreciated for any help!
that's my workflow also. One could also use the Cut Faces tool to create the vertices for post-extrude merging, but the Insert Edge Loop tool is usually going to better since its less likely to create ngons.
Re: Rayvhen:
Off Topic: yea, had the same experience. new too. Seems that images have to be hosted from another server - like imgur or etc - and referenced via hyperlink.
Unless there something I don't know ??
It reads a little complicated, but it's a pretty simple process.
I'm assuming that he doesn't want that border on the side, that face should be knocked out.
Any scripts you guys would recommend would be awesome too. Maya is awesome, but a lot of the scripts have so many practical applications that Maya just doesn't seem to have.
Thanks again guys for all the help!