i have started to create a hover ship form the matrix but im not sure if i am,say creating the right way i guess i have hit a stump of what to make next.
i kinda started with a boxish layout to help me see it better?
any pointers will help ALOT PLZ!, i am new at modeling
will be used in my matrix game
****i plan to use it in a unity game so i dont even know how many polys i should use for such a thing, i will probly only have 1 or 2 in a game scene.****
My refrance images

this is the ship landed.

the ship in flight.
and my creation of the ship so far


i kept going on with the model and have gotten this so far,any crits will help.
I don't wanna judge your modelling skills.. but not knowing how to approach pretty much shows how experienced you are. I don't think I could do this myself right now.. to a degree that's as stunning as the concept..
You can try a lowpoly variant of it though. Trying to hit the main shapes and use modular textures. But I don't wanna give wrong advice.. in the end it's your choice.
so yes a game ready hover ship with normal maps.
i did end up using bumpmaps on this mech i created but they wernt as effective
i know the polycount is hurtfull as there are many ways to cut down on them XD.
but back to the ship, i know normal maps have things aper higher than the other, but doesent bump maps to the same. does bumpmaps show where the light is shinning upon it?
Remember, you don't need to connect anything or have any UVs for a high poly. Floating geometry is absolutely fine.
If the number of individual chunks becomes ridiculous, remember, you can just block in shapes with just PLANES. Don't worry about extrusions until later. Feel free to just use planes to make your block in.
It's gonna look weird for a bit, but a number of them will really describe efficiently the shape of your model.