Hi Polycounters
i worked on my polymodells and suddently i got a strange error with my keybindings.
And i promise i did not play around with any prefrences

it came suddently...
Ctrl+c for example tries to export the selection, not copy as i would expect.
if i select some faces for example it says:
[html]// Warning: Highlighted items will not be exported if they are not also selected. //[/html]
i tried to reset the keybindings and also tried to reassign new bindings... but nothing happens
The next strange thing happens when i use headus uvlayout, i export...
make my uvs and send it to maya.
Then it looks perfect in the uv editor and some seconds lather it trows and error and destroys the uvs XD...
can some maya pro tell me how i must searach the problem or how i would reset the bindings by commandline or if needed whole maya?
i would be also happy if you could show me a way how i can save the state of the working maya like backup.

it works again...
any wise tipps how i can prevent maya from such crashes?
I get the same "Highlighted items will not be exported..." error message when trying ctrl+c in component mode with faces selected.
I thought iam doing something wrong, iam still learning maya and i love it. thx!
i tried exactly this, but then maya broke many other things like export and reimport of uv with headus.
i found also out that i probably was miss using maya when installing it not to the default location.
thx for your tips,