hi guys,
I created a blockout for my environment in max and i want to import my scene in engine mesh by mesh, no in one mesh!
so for it i set my pivot of mesh to center of mesh note position of mesh in max for example (4.059,2.41,-1.021) and move mesh to origin(0,0,0) and export it for unreal!and come back mesh to first position.
when i import it in engine and i should to set position in engine with change of Y,Z.(Z&Y positions in max(XYZ) is reverse in unreal engine(XZY))
but position of my meshes is wrong!
I have this problem just with max,i try this method in maya and i think i have not no problem!
I tested this without swap Z and Y but i did not get good result!
what should i do?
how can i to have custom pivot in engine with good position like in max?(do "In Engine Blockout")
i want to import my scene to unreal engine to after it create every art mesh and replace with them in scene of engine!("In Engine Blockout")
but I was able to copy\paste values from 3ds max. I had to change in my system , to . and sometimes had to change - value to + value because some axis are inverted.