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Valeyards PBR litmus test

polycounter lvl 4
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The_Valeyard polycounter lvl 4
Hey everyone, I've been around here for a while and after a while of being asked by someone else on here, I've decided to set up a thread for getting C&C on things I'm working on and soon to be working on.:khasmo:

First up that closest to being presentable is my Dalek model which recently got a revamp in the form of normal maps and some practicing in Substance painter.
This is my first time testing out a PBR solution and plan on importing all my models into Unreal engine 4 once it's all done and dusted.



  • deohboeh
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    deohboeh polycounter lvl 5
    This looks really good! Are you using a material chart to make the maps. Some materials look very similar here like the brass and bronze.. You also want to get in some scratches otherwise it looks too clean... The head metal material is very very good. It feels like metallic paint while the bottom half looks pearl-ish.. Put up a full image maybe? Which shows the top and bottom halves together..

    Good job! Keep it up! :)
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    haha nice dalek model. I finally started watching Dr. Who so I approve :)

    I'm not sure if you started the actual texturing process yet though, it looks more like simple one color materials atm.

    There also appears to be a few shading errors, most predominately the split in the metal that's in the middle of the front "created by" name plate. If it's a seam caused by the UVs being split that you can't get rid of then I'd suggest moving the seam to a less prominent section to hide, definitely not right in the middle of the nameplate.

    I'm also not sure what's going on with the white pixels that looks like an anti-aliasing issue. It might be a problem with the normal map bake or just a rendering issue, I'm not sure but it's definitely distracting.

    Other than that nice job so far.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Do you bake normals from a high poly? Because it looks all low poly.
  • kinslayer233
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    kinslayer233 polycounter lvl 4
    I some areas looks like there is not normal map and in other the nm looks dented, are you baking it in 3ds max?
    Also looks like your uvs are not well distributed.
    Finally check your AO because some areas have none ao at all
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