So im going to make multiple props for a project, mostly furniture and indoor stuff, and im considering what approch to go with.
the first that comes to mind is to go super modular. have a couple of different materials, wood, metal etc. and a couple of detail tetxtures that i use as decals to break up the repeditivness.
on top of that, a secound version of all the materials which is more worn, that i can blend with using vertex alpha.
the secound would be to texture everything uniqely, the regular way.
so for me the first way seems obvoiusly better, more suited for production and everything.
am i wrong? what is the most common approch in the industry? what would you guys do?
Shader complexity is also something to keep in mind though.
Maybe in a few years
You can have a look here to see how other people do it:
the snefer thread is amazing. dont think i have to go to that extreme though
but for a game this days, that have open sandbox gameplay, is it common to use tiling textures? if anybody have links to breakdowns on commercial games, i would be really grateful