This is the most difficult model I've done so far, so I could definitely use some pointers. This is goin on my spas-12 model I did for the monthly weapon challenge. I'm aiming for (pun) some PC master race platform here, not that it's going into a game or anything.
Reference for the part I'm working on:
Ref I'm using as a background in Max:
My progress:
Let me know if I should post other angles or anything. I'm not sure how much detail I should put into the bottom since this is going to be a game model. Should I bother to put the screws/screw holes in? Or would that just be a waste of time. Also, if you happen to have an reference for the bottom plate piece, I'd love it, since it's hard to model what you can't see
Yeah, I figured that. I modeled it since it looked like a challenge and I feel it's good practice for modeling. Not really the most efficient method professionally, but it's for practice. I'll be downscaling the underside a lot for the lp.