Is this a silly title? The only thing I knew for certain is that I wanted to have the Agatha lion in the desgin.
I'm going to be using this helmet as inspiration for mine
Pretty much I'll change the snake thingy for a lion, and try to follow the rest of the shape of the helmet, as you can see, there is alot of detail in the helmet that got worn out, which I could use to inspire me and ad my own, or ignore and keep it rough, If I decide to detail it, I'm thinking about if I can work in the agatha blue with out it seeming to royal, but maybe thats not a bad thing.
Anyways, I've done some early zbrush sketching to work out the forms, but its too early, Once I get something nice, I'll post.
And thats about it, nice to meet you all.
Edit: I didn't think this progress was worth a double post, anyway, I've started to flesh out the helmet in zbrush, still subject to all sorts of change.
Edit 2:
Again not worth a double post, minor update.
Still not worth a double post,maybe the next one.
I'm starting to regret doing a knight, becuase there is so much great knights being done, It seems to be the preferd class becuase of the detailed armour a knight would normaly wear. Ohwell, I'll try my best.
I did a little bit of refining can't think of much more refinement to do, right now I'm deciding between adding the etching detail in zbrush, or leave it to texture process.
Then I did a quick color mock up to get a sense of how I would texture it.
I've started on work on the texture, I really need to get the model into the Editor before I do anymore work on it, so I'm going to focus on that now.