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Automatic shotgun

Hi guys.
This is my first 3D model ever. I created it in 3DS max.
I would appreciate every feedback, whether you like it, or no. Thank you :)


  • Karateman
    Hey, that's a pretty sweet design. I like it a lot. The lighting and background is making it a little hard to see the topology, tho.
    Looking forward to this progressing!
  • DWalker
    It's a nice first model, but you have a few issues. First, the proportions are all wrong for a shotgun - the shells are much too large; just rename it to "Automatic Grenade Launcher" and it will be 'problem solved'. ;)

    When modelling, you really need to understand how things work - whether it's an object or a creature; this is especially vital if you're working without a strong concept. (You should ALWAYS have a concept, BTW, even if it's just a rough sketch you made yourself; some artists can build on the fly, but for most of us we really need to plan BEFORE modelling.)

    On your model, the drum - that bit that holds the ammo - needs to rotate, aligning the top round with the barrel. Yours seems to sort of meld in to the chamber.
    The fore grip is just awkward; the model would be better if you removed it entirely.

    Either the trigger is too small, or the trigger guard is too large. The concept - hint, hint - should clarify which.

    Keep in mind that the model isn't done - isn't even close - until it has been textured. Applying UVs at this late stage, on such a complex model, will be difficult. It's better - certainly for a junior artist - to apply UVs as you progress, then scale & transform all the pieces to fit into a single square at the end. Even that stage can be an adventure, a puzzle of sorts, to maximize the space allocated to important bits and minimize the wasted empty space.

    Finally, please host the images somewhere and use the "Insert Image" button (it looks like a tiny landscape with a yellow background) rather than attaching them. It makes it easier for your viewers, and reduces the chances of accidentally leaving the window after typing in comments.
  • PriorSVK
    Thank you guys for your advices.
    Yes, it is that shotgun from Serious Sam 3 :)

    Applying textures will take me like ages, because i need to learn it first. It seems, that Unwrap UVW tool would help me a lot.
    But first i want to finish model of a Sniper Rifle.
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