Hello all. I've been working on this model for about a week or so now, and would like to get some feedback. If there's any Modo experts out there your feedback would be especially useful, I have recently made the switch from 3ds. All the screenshots I will post have not been subdivided to give a better look at the geometry. I started this project with an initial blockout, getting all the large objects down and proportionally as correct as I could. I have lost myself before in which way I should push a polygon, so this works perfect for me. I am concerned about how the model will turn out once textured, as I have not really gone through with materials in the past.
The subject is an Oshkosh Matv
Using Modo 701
These are some of the reference images I have been using

Model Screenshots:

I am having a hard time with this piece. The model underneath is the block out I made that has proportions correct(this is just the way I work), but the one above is the almost finished product. The only thing holding me back from finalizing this part is curving the new, flat wheel well to look similar to the blockout.
Thanks for the feedback!
Here's another update I did this morning(upped the res to 2048, made an attempt at the grill, put a camera up front, lights up top, platform for radio antenna on front sides. Trying to find a solution for the side steps, they're a shape I've never attempted before, will probably post on Earthquakes hard surface thread for some help with that. Still need to finish the rear cargo and wheel well, the diorama(still going to have rocket launching from tube), plus the lens for the headlights and glass for the windows, some other things I'm probably forgetting too.
Let me know what you guys think, Im almost done with the modeling steps and would love to get some feedback on this.