Opinions about this tablet?I am planing to make dota2 concept art with it,i think the small size will be enough but im not sure about how do you know where abouts your going to draw if you cant see it on the tablet?
Is it worth?
Wacom tablets don't require a pen touch for cursor location. You can hover over the tablet and the cursor/mouse will follow your movement. From there its just hand eye coordination.
iam not so sure about the new bamboo's(intous, how they are called now)
but i had an older one and i dont really see any major differences to the new intous pro
you have no tilt and not as many buttons on the tablet
and the pro pen is, or at least was, nicer, since the old bamboo was all plastic
but thats about it
These are about equivalent to the old Intuos 2 line, aren't they? (Aside from the lack of tilt, anyway.) I'll point out that I'm still using my Intuos 2 and have been for many years. It has no physical buttons on it and I've never cared. If you're sure you're fine with the small size it's definitely worth it. I would try to get to a store that sells them and has a demo you can try if possible. If you have a larger monitor the smaller tablet might take more adjustment time.
but after that its really comfortable working with it
but i had an older one and i dont really see any major differences to the new intous pro
you have no tilt and not as many buttons on the tablet
and the pro pen is, or at least was, nicer, since the old bamboo was all plastic
but thats about it