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Telltale's The Walking Dead

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NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
Didn't see a thread on this before so I figured I'd make one since the last episode of season 2 just came out. Has anybody else finished the story?

I've never played a game where I actually cried at the end, but damn, I actually cried at the end. This game was a masterpiece, and it's on sale for $10 on Steam right now, everybody should go check it out!


  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    Never played it, but I've watched playthroughs of all of Season 1 and I intend to watch the finale of Season 2 this weekend, so hyped! It really is a great powerful story. I recommend it, even though I've never played it!
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    going to play s2 ep5 this weekend. totally looking forward to it! Love the story and the choices you have to make. Really a masterpiece and pretty much on par with the TV show
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Love it so very much. One of the greatest thing i've ever played.
    It convinces me enough to buy everything they produce from now on.

    Season 2 is a bit weak than season 1 IMO, but still enjoyable and interesting (playing as Clem is awesome). But haven't played the last eps yet because i'm far away from home right now. Hope it'll be good.

    How do you guys play episodic game like this anyway? Waiting for every single episode to be released, and then play it in a single playthrough? Or play it each time the episode came out?
    I like the latter, because it add to the suspense.

    And while we're talking about Telltale Games, their other game, The Wolf Among Us is damn awesome too. The opening intro of this particular game is soo mesmerizing. I'm hoping for a second season announcement.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    I haven't played it but I really should. My brother said it really hit him hard, and he was the one who told me about clannad (which shook me to my core, just hearing dango daikazoku makes me well up lol).
  • woot
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    woot polycounter lvl 5
    jesus, the ending of season one tore me up. the one game ive really had a proper emotional response to, the characters are incredibly well written.

    season 2 hasnt been as good, but still excellent. the ending of the finale was great, with multiple endings this time round.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    Season 2 wasn't as good as the 1st. Too much focus on Kenny and Clem was too adult-like to be believable. They also took out any gameplay from the game and now it's just an interactive tv show with bad production values.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Love it so very much. One of the greatest thing i've ever played.
    It convinces me enough to buy everything they produce from now on.

    Season 2 is a bit weak than season 1 IMO, but still enjoyable and interesting (playing as Clem is awesome). But haven't played the last eps yet because i'm far away from home right now. Hope it'll be good.

    How do you guys play episodic game like this anyway? Waiting for every single episode to be released, and then play it in a single playthrough? Or play it each time the episode came out?
    I like the latter, because it add to the suspense.

    And while we're talking about Telltale Games, their other game, The Wolf Among Us is damn awesome too. The opening intro of this particular game is soo mesmerizing. I'm hoping for a second season announcement.
    The Wolf Among Us is amazing too! With TWAU I played every episode the day it came out and for TWD S2, I played the first 3 the day they came out then waited for the last 2 to come out in order to play them in one long sitting for extra emotional scarring.

    I think Season 2 started off weaker than Season 1, but by the end I'd have to say I preferred Season 2. With S1, there were characters I hated almost immediately, and nothing was ever done about it, you hate them from the first time you see them all the way to the last time. With S2 however, sometimes new characters will be shown off and you'll hate them for the things they do, but by the end of an episode you'll actually end up understanding their actions and you might even start liking them.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I will power through the last few eps tonight as soon as the kids sleep!! Can`t wait!!
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Wah, just played the eps, and it was intense and great. Multiple endings, all of them felt damn different from one and another, but Telltale managed to made each ending feel special and emotional. Fuckin A, man.

    Best eps ever, but if you compared it as a whole to season 1, i still think season 1 is the best. Can't wait for season 3.

    And judging by the news around, we might be getting GoT after this, hell yeah.
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