Hey guys quick question, I'm working on a enviro in UE4 and am still getting the grasp of PBR textures. I still use the original technique of diffuse spec and normal and am getting into the albedo, roughness maps. Is it okay if my environment has a little bit of both types of textures? Some props that use the original technique we all used in UE3 with diffuse and spec maps and then some of the hero props/tile able textures and metals using the PBR technique? Thanks for any feedback!

So you will probably want to convert the content.
Not 100% true you can write your own shader code to support other types of shaders.
but ya as far as the built in editor yes
Right, I'm just talking out of the box. Theres full source, so in theory you can do anything you want with UE4, provided you have a programmer to do it.
Ya I noticed that some of the default materials that come with UE4 have some that are just a combination of diffuse and normal texture for the entire materiel, that kind of threw me off thinking it was okay to still use diffuse in UE4. So they must of some good programming behind these diffuse textures that look like photos that come stock with UE4 in sample materiels they have on there?
I would recommend reading the tutorials we wrote for Marmoset Toolbag 2, which cover general PBR theories as well the differences between the specular and metalness workflows:
As well as Epic's official docs:
Traditional specular maps are still used in some PBR pipelines, but not UE4. UE4 uses the metalness workflow to define reflectivity. When using metalness maps, your albedo texture is both your diffuse (for non metals) and specular intensity/color (for metals) maps. Pure metals don't have any diffuse contribution, so the specular content is stored in the albedo map. On the other hand, most non-metals have a reflectivity in the 2-8% range, which is simplified to a to a fixed general purpose value of 4% for all non-metals. Non metal in this sense would be a material with a value of 0 (black) in the metalness map (or a constant value of 0 in your shader node).
The specular input in EU4 is not a traditional specular input in any sense. What it is is an additional value on top of the reflectivity for non metals, for instance if you have a material that is has a reflectivity of less than 4% you may want to use the specular map, but this is a rare case and generally it is best to simply avoid using this map. This map can also be used as a cavity map, as outlined in Epic's docs. Again, this very different from a traditional specular intensity map, so don't think of it as such.
For non metals, diffuse and albedo maps are basically interchangeable terms. They mean more or less the same thing, though albedo is a little more specific and accurate term. With PBR workflows, you no longer want any baked lighting, be it directional or ambient, in your diffuse/albedo map.
AO is still often used, but usually more of the micro-occlusion sort, your AO shouldn't have large scale gradients but should represent the smaller cracks and crevices instead. AO maps for PBR workflows tend to be more like cavity maps than what you may commonly think of as AO. The reason for this is that your lighting system should generally handle the large scale occlusion.
AO is generally best used as a separate map so that the shader can do more sensible things with it.
Gloss or roughness maps do not really "replace" spec maps. Gloss/roughness maps determine the glossiness or roughness of the surface. If you used a diffuse/normal/spec/gloss shader in the past, the gloss map does basically the same thing it did previously, it defines the highlight size, while reflectivity is still set with a specular intensity map or the metalness workflow as described above. A roughness map in most cases is simply an inverted gloss map, where black (0) = most glossy and white (1) = most rough.
If you were using diffuse/spec/normal shaders with no glass map previously, in that case some of the detail you would typically put in your spec map should go in your gloss map isntead. However, even with older d/n/s/g shaders you really should have been doing most of the work in the gloss map anyway (especially if you had image based lighting like Toolbag 1 era shaders which a lot of games used).
There is a small difference with how gloss/roughness is handled these days and that is energy conservation. Now the gloss/roughness input sets not only the specular reflection highlight size, but also the intensity in an indirect way. The reflectivity doesn't actually change, however: Tighter highlights will appear brighter, while wider highlights will appear dimmer. This is because the same amount of light is hitting the surface, but with rougher surfaces, that light is spread out further.
With old school workflows you may have had to account for this in your spec map as well as gloss, so in this case you can generally get away with less texture variation in your spec map. Usually a spec map should be a flat value for a given surface and only change when the physical material changes.
The idea that gloss maps now replace spec maps in PBR is a misconception and a half truth at best really. There are certain situations where you will put some detail into your gloss map that you previously put into your spec map, however the two are fundamentally separate concepts:
Reflectivity (how much light is reflected) is defined by the metalness workflow, or a specular intensity map (and in some rare cases a weird combination of both metalness map an and additional reflectivity multiplier).
Microsurface (how bumpy or smooth the surface is) is defined by a gloss or roughness map.
I'm sure a lot of people would love having the option.