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Pixeled Normal Map for a plate asset I'm making. Help!

polycounter lvl 6
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ZenDavis polycounter lvl 6


So that's what I have. You can see the problem in the bottom left of the plate with the normals. I'm using 3DS max and I imagine the problem has to do with smoothing groups. Can someone throw out some ideas regarding correcting this issue? I would be very thankful!


  • snoop
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    snoop polycounter lvl 7
    Man you can hardly notice that. Up your super-sampling and if you insist on making renders that large, bake out a larger normal map. I'm having a hard time even seeing what you are talking about. I can kind of see it, but I think you're being a bit too anal. It's like when a model doesn't have perfect smoothing but it's something that will hardly even transfer to the bake or you can easily paint it out, and when you have diffuse/albedo and spec/roughness/metalness what have you, added to it, you can't see it at all. So, yeah, up the resolution and super-sampling or live with it as it is, the latter is what I would do but I'm not sure what this piece is intended for and you're not me so obviously you can make your own choice.
  • EarthQuake
    Could be a bit depth issue. Try baking 16bit and converting to 8bit in photoshop to dither.

    Also make sure your tangent space is set correct in the object properties in Toolbag.
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