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L115A3 Texturing

Hey guys. I modelled this ages ago, but I've recently revisited the texturing on it. I'm at the point where I feel a bit more confident with it but feel I need help getting it to the next level. I'd really appreciate any feedback on how I can push the texture further!



  • Javibcln
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    Javibcln polycounter lvl 8
    Looks good already, material definition is fine. Try to scratch the edges and make them stand out a bit more even if you are going for a very clean texture, this usually helps a lot to understand the shape of the model.

    Regarding to what I am used to see and I like, I would personally make a more damaged texture for this weapon. Don´t over scratch it, but let us know that the weapon has been used in extreme conditions. Some fingerprints could look nice on it. I would like to say the modelling is perfect, and the bake looks brilliant. I cant wait to see your progress :)
  • Fridock
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    Fridock polycounter lvl 12
    Looks extremely good, but why don't you use metallic for all metal parts, like the gun metal of the barrel for example (trying to better understand PBR myself)?
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Javibcln - Thanks! Although if you maximize the images you will see that there are plenty of scratches on the body! I think too much more might be going too far. There are some fingerprints but they are subtle - too much I think would make it cheesy. Most of the interesting wear is in the gloss only.

    FridockShir - Thanks! Because these parts are painted - and most paint is not metallic.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Great work! I'm not really sure what could be done to take this further because it looks flawless. I tried comparing it to some reference images I found online and it seems you got everything down right. I suppose if you wanted to force more detail in, you could add some more dust/dirt within the finer cavities of the scope as those would be harder to clean out but it seems like you've already placed some minor miscolorations/smudges around the scope in logical areas.

    The only thing I'm not sure about is the yellow grime in the first screenshot. I'm not a gun expert so I have no idea if that should be there or not, but from the pictures I've seen on the internet, none of them had any grime there. That leads me to think that the owner of the rifle actively uses it a lot (since I assume it builds up over time?) which is inconsistent with some of the other details as that piece is probably easier to clean than say the finer cavities of the scope which lack large pieces of dirt/grime.

    Of course, I'm not a gun expert so take that with a grain of salt. The overall piece is amazing though!
  • iadagraca
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    iadagraca polycounter lvl 5
    I think the problem might be that the wear on the gun is too even?

    It seems the gun went through a sand storm but was never actually touched if you get what i mean.

    Maybe wear it more in places where the hand would be to hold it? or from the bottom to the top where dirt might of tinted it.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Thanks guys! The yellow grime was supposed to be grease, as these kinds of parts are often greased. Perhaps it is a bit over the top though.

    iadagraca - Good point. I will remove some wear in some less "used" places, and maybe add some "wiped" areas in the gloss etc. Thanks for the input.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    Looks great, i love the material definition
  • Bedrock
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    Bedrock polycounter lvl 11
    I think it looks great, have you tried setting it up with proper hdri lighting? A single white light will make any awesome model look boring
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Thanks a lot guys. It means a lot to hear that it's looking good, I suffer terribly with confidence :x

    Bedrock - it's actually rendered in TB2 with one of the more simple IBL scenes. I've had trouble getting good lighting going on this thing, I don't know why. I'm sure if I get it set up right it will certainly sell itself better.
  • MHstudios
    iadagraca wrote: »
    I think the problem might be that the wear on the gun is too even?
    It looks good right now, but for some reason I keep thinking it could be improved. Just not so sure how.

    Like he said. I think you should lighten up some of the more-used areas, like the grip, butplate, etc.

    Also have a little more varying in the glossy and shininess for the different parts, especially the metal to plastic. Because right now it looks to me like everything blends together too much.
  • Bedrock
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    Bedrock polycounter lvl 11
    One way to show wear is to reduce that noisy bump and up the reflection around the grip. Lots of use would probably smoothen that area which would increase the reflectivity of it.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    There is a reasonable amount of variation in the gloss, I toned it down a bit too avoid it being too much. I'll definetly try adding some contextual wear. And I really like the idea of reducing the plastic-y noise for wear, I will do that!
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    Is it good to have so many UV islands? I remember reading somewhere it increases the vertex count and is not good for rendering (or something like that).

    Usually gun UV's are much more packed.


    You could also look into tiling more of your UV's. You gain better texel space.

    It's also important to remember in a video game, you're mostly looking at the back of the gun. So more detailed should be focused there then places the player wont see.
  • BetaRazer
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    BetaRazer polycounter lvl 6
    I really like this, now you've given me reason for some competition with my own L115A3 model. I reckon you were right to re-texture this rifle.
    The back of the buttstock I had difficulty smoothing, but it seems as though you've nailed that better than I.
    The bumpiness detail for the stock you've reflected in your normal map; where did you find it?
    And is the stock meant to be an olive green colour? Not to be pedantic or anything, given you've got room for artistic merit.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    JordanN - Having UV splits does increase the cost of an asset, but I have put splits in places to reduce low poly normals issues, which can effect the quality of the normals map. As for the UV packing, I was having issues with lag in the UV editor at the time. I could have gone back and packed it a bit more tightly, but I simply did not feel like it :) This gun is not symmetrical and so a lot of parts could not be mirrored. Of course some of it could have been, but I did not feel it worth the hassle.

    BetaRazer - I actually didn't model the back of the buttstock. At the time I had issues with it too, so I ended up adding it in with nDo. The bumpiness is basically just photoshop noise passed through nDo. I played with the settings for a while to get it looking nice. I think the "proper" L115A3 is a different colour, but eh I wanted to do it this colour :P In combat these rifles are usually covered in sniper tape anyway. Good luck with your model!
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Did some tweaking and worked on the lighting a bit

  • Mr Digital
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    Mr Digital polycounter lvl 8
  • Rumkugel
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    Rumkugel polycounter lvl 14
    Mate, the L115A3´s body is in FDE color. :)

    I´d tone down the spec/gloss on the body, it looks like cheap plastic.
    RS one isnt that specy.
    Also, if you tone down the gloss, adding some Manual wear on things like grip and cheekweld will give you some nice glossy surface, that will stand out.
    I´d also dim the noise in the normal map in these polished areas.

    Wear and dear looks nice on the body, keep it!

    Loadinghandle shouldnt be chrome/silver.
    Those things are coated. Xou dont want to stick out like a scottsman´s arse in the searchlight as a sniper..

    At least, it feels too glossy in your latest pic, in the first post it feels better.
    You changed something there?

    Do you needs ref pics on the cosine indicator? can make snapshots of mine.

    At a more "artsy farty" aspect, have you considered sniper tape?


    either in tan, or that lime color one.

    Some AI´s had only the gunmetal parts coverd with green sniper tape, which gave them a nice colored contrast.

    Also, think about a paint job, either on the plain body, or onto of the sniper tape.
    You could go wild with this and make a nice break from your older L115A3

    Have you thought about an supressor?


    I do have that aswell in my locker.. can take pics if you want to..

    You could also tweak the metal parts color, to give it some variation.
    They look pretty uniform, color wise.
    They all come from different manufacturers, so all will have a slight different finish.

    The Buttstock needs to have more material.
    The very last piece is rubber. The plates/spacers, are made from polymere.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Hi Rumkugel! Thanks for the feedback. I was aware that the rifle is a different colour. However I much prefer working with this colour, and all of the other AI rifles are this colour afaik. I'm not expecting many art directors to be gun nuts. I have tried adding sniper tape before, and concluded it was way too much work adding it in the textures. It would have been easier to have modelled it in, and I'm not going back to that. Again I'm not adding a suppressor because I'm not going to go back and do high/low/UV/bake all over again. Your input on materials has been helpful though, thank you.

    also I wouldn't use terms like "artsy fartsy" on an art forum, lol.
  • Rumkugel
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    Rumkugel polycounter lvl 14
    Hehe, you still could make a sperate material/tex/uvw for the suppressor and so on. Doenst hurt.
  • Black_Stormy
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    Black_Stormy polycounter lvl 8
    The latest gloss/specular maps divide up the materials much better I think. I think the people were having with not seeing the scratches etc on the small images is that the scratch colours don't contrast much with the rest of the material colours. I think the surface scratches are fine, but there seems to be a very uniform edge highlight running along the bottom of the rifle. It's most noticeable on the side of the trigger guard, and just in front of that part. It kinda looks like dDo's 'acid' detail. Maybe tone it doen in the diffuse a bit? Also the barrel seems a bit shiny. I think the specular highlight is a bit too tight on it. AFAIK gun barrels tend to be more matte because the paint has to be heat resistant. I'm totally not a gun dude though.

    Other than that, looking very impressive.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Haha yes I did use legacy dDo's acid detail so I didn't have to go around the edges myself. I did forget to break it up a bit, but I have done now. The idea was to make it look like the glossyness of the plastic had be scrapped away. I agree though toning the diffuse down a bit would help. I'll add all the feedback you guys have given me to this when I've sorted this inexplicable brush lag I'm suddenly getting in PS goes away :S
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Sometimes I hate technology. Photoshop decides to lag horribly when painting when I have my tablet driver installed. 3DS max decides to unbind every single keybind (I think because I deleted a folder with a maxkeybd file in, why doesn't it make it's own copy when I import it?) and is now seemingly refusing to uninstall. I go to find a DVD to rage reinstall windows and a shelf falls on my head.

    Ugh some days eh. Needed a rant.
  • Envart
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    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    Ah damn man, sorry to hear that. It's looking really nice so far and I'm sure the end result will be worth it!
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Hey thanks man! This week has been annoying, problems reinstalling windows, mouse breaking, deleted a bunch of my custom brushes by mistake etc etc.

    Anyway I did a bit more on this. I'd like to call it done soon, so any further ideas for improvement?

  • ghaztehschmexeh
    I guess my other question is: am I ready to freelance yet? I'd like to not have to do awful retail jobs. If not, what do I need to work on?

    I mean I need to finish up a couple of pieces for my portfolio, but beyond that, I'd like to begin work in the industry. I hope I'm not fooling myself.
  • dschmidt3d
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    dschmidt3d polycounter lvl 6
    I think it could do with some more dirt and grime buildup. Like around the screws. Unless you are going for a non-dirty gun.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    dschmidt3d wrote: »
    I think it could do with some more dirt and grime buildup. Like around the screws. Unless you are going for a non-dirty gun.

    There is a bit of dirt on the scope. Most of the wear on the body is in the roughness as scratches etc though. But I can see there being dirt in the screws. I will probably add a bit.
  • BetaRazer
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    BetaRazer polycounter lvl 6
    It's looking really good ghaztehschmexeh. My only suggestion would be to enlarge the ball pull at the end of the bolt lever, very slightly. It looks a little too small, and its a notable feature of the AWM/AWSM family of rifles.
    One question; have you used any Ambient/ Cavity maps at all? Can't seem to see them in your diffuse texture. But I could be very mistaken :/

    Also, you mentioned that you accidently lost brushes before. Which ones did you use for this, and where can we find them?

    Any chance of seeing a render with the bolt pulled out, but still in the chamber? That would be cool too ;)
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