Really excited about this contest!
Here's my brainstorming Pinterest board (still adding to it).
I'm still in the brainstorming process for design ideas and iterations. I'll draw a couple of concepts once I have decided on the features and post them on here.
I'm still unsure whether I want to do a crossbow or a bow.
keep it up
I've decided to do a crossbow. Here's a quick rough outline. I'm sure proportions will change and I hope to achieve a much stronger silhouette. But I hope this helps illustrate the direction I'm planning on going with it.
If anybody wants to take up my idea and run with it feel free to do so.
Good luck to all of the participants!
Haha, luck be with thee! Godspeed, Sir Tobbo! Giddiyupp! -clacks coconut shells off into the sunset-