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See No Evil - Released on Steam

polycounter lvl 7
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GabrielP polycounter lvl 7

See No Evil has finally been released on Steam!

For those that dont know, I love Polycount dearly and am a long time member. However my posting has slowed down dramatically this last year as I have founded my own company and been working on a game, See No Evil. Today See No Evil was officaly released on Steam! You can check it out in the New Releases section or buy it right from our website - www.snegame.com

Synopsis -
See No Evil is a dark, isometric puzzle game about sound manipulation. A harsh fantasy where the willingly blind are hostile to the nonconformist. Sometimes, the world seems darker with your eyes open.

Become a Seer and explore the mind bending, twisted fantasy that is the world around you. Guided only by a journal left in your decaying prison, and opposed by an army of those afraid of what they don't understand, you seek to learn why the world went dark.

Here are some links to reviews of the game -

[URL="The game is now available on Steam! - www.snegame.com

You can also check out some awesome reviews here -
Indie Game Magazine
Indie Love

Thank you Polycount for all your support over the years! Could not have done it with out you!
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