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Education Related Question

polycounter lvl 9
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BohSheh polycounter lvl 9
I am 19 years old from Malaysia . I am doing a-level and it is going to end soon . These days , I find that I am quite interested in 3d modeling to game developing , and hopefully , develop my own game .However , I have few question regarding the tertiary education .

1) Which country provide the best education in related field .USA? Japan?
2) Which school would you recommend the most , fees suppose to be roughly 10k

I hope someone can really help


  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    Best approach in my opinion is to just go to a local arts university that's internationally accredited. State university should do. You can focus on sculpting, illustrating, architecture, computer science. I'm not in favour of those game programs that cram a lot courses for a short period of time and leaves you with a weak sauce student portfolio. Versus just focussing and showing compentent figure sculpting for example, like https://www.facebook.com/alex.oliver.566. You can upgrade "holes" in your base skillset once you get paying jobs anyway and learn or take classes part-time after work.

    The immigration officials who check college degrees don't care if you went to a fancy school or not as long as your degree is relevant to the job you are gonna be sponsored for and your school is legit (accredited) and not some fake name on paper only.

    Besides school, spend time learning the tools and build your portfolio. Check out professional backgrounds of non-American artists who got to work Stateside, who can be role models.

    Blizzard has a lot of international workers for example and a lot have degrees from from universities in their home countries and not necessarily and exclusively from some fancy brand name "game design" college.
  • BohSheh
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    BohSheh polycounter lvl 9
    Thx for reply! I think it is better to get adapt in overseas environment and the state of industry?
  • BohSheh
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    BohSheh polycounter lvl 9
    bump for awareness
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