Hey all,
I've been looking everywhere I can think, but I can't find the answer:
I'm new to working with Maya's UV editor, but for some reason the scale tool doesn't let me scale in the U AND V directions at the same time (ie. I can scale in the U and then in the V, but not both together).
I can't imagine this can't be done, but I'm stumped. Anyone have any ideas what might be going on?
(Also, if it makes a difference, I'm working with student edition of maya 2014. I've also noticed that scale tool looks slightly different than it does in the normal viewport.)
Any help would be really appreciated!
-The last handle is the 'active' one, so MMB-drag will use that handle.
-Shift or Ctrl + MMB drag constrains to the direction you start to drag in. (Maybe sticky keys in windows is turned on?)
-Something in the history of the model preventing normal use, and should be deleted. (Edit>Delete By Type>Clear History or clear non-deformer history)
Wrong, make sure you click + drag in the bottom left quadrant of the central scale handle for it to work uniformly.
Welcome to Maya lol.
Unfortunately, I'm still stuck. I did everything you guys suggested (deleting history, trying shift+mmb, transforming and pressing ctrl+Z, dragging from the lower left of the handle, and all that). Nothing seems to work, though.
I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the scale tool itself (I'm including a screenshot I took of it--the U and V handles look like they're all crammed in to the center handle), as it looks different from Maya's usual scale tools.
Still no idea what's going on; but again, thanks for all your help!
(and thanks again, everyone, for your help!)
Can scale a thing only in U direction in maya 2016.
Wanted to view that screenshot but had no privileges for it. This is why i'm writing this silly post
update: hav no idea, why it didn't work that time:poly121: