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Changing parts of the Highpoly Mesh in Zbrush

polycounter lvl 4
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TillM polycounter lvl 4
Hey guys!
I am new here and this is my first post - I hope its in the right place. If not please correct me.

With my latest 3D project I reached a point where I dont know how to proceed and I hope you guys can help me out.

I sculpted a Highpoly Zombie in Zbrush and then retopologyzed it in Maya doing the Lowpoly Mesh. After UV-Layout and Baking out the Normals I realized that I wanted to change something about the Zombie:

I didnt modelled out the mouth (not in Highpoly or in Lowpoly). Basicly I just modeled a closed mouth. And now I want to change that. I already modelled a mouth with tooth, tounge etc. for the Lowpoly.
What makes things more complicated is the design of the zombie.
One side of his face has no flesh on it, so that you can actually see the tooth and inside of the mouth now.
My Problem now is: Since it is just a small part of the Mesh that has been changed I dont want to loose all my work I did on the Highpoly in Zbrush.
Is there any way to bring the new topology into Zbrush and "merge" it into the Highpoly Mesh without loosing all the details I already sculptet on the body or the head?

This is my first project with Zbrush and I hope you guys may had similar problems and can help me with that.
Sorry for my English, I am no native speaker!


Till M.


  • allknighter
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    allknighter polycounter lvl 5
    hey, i had a similar issue a couple of days ago, where i first made a face model, and found out i wanted to make it into a full character and needed to combine them while keeping my polypaint.

    my solution was to
    1. first duplicate the high res models of the zombie and the mouth
    2. merge the duplicates
    3. dynamesh, to get away all geometry on the inside, and combine the meshes into one.
    If you have subdivision levels, youll get them back later.
    4. zremesh for an ok topology
    5. subdivide to whatever number you want
    6. go to subtools, open the project tab. Make sure both the subtool duplicates are visible and no other subtools, while you have the merged one selected. Theres a value of 10 set to the smooth slider, i changed that to zero, and Then clicked project all. you should have eeeverything, or at least most of what you had, projected on to this combined subtool.
    7. append the lowpoly model
    8. subdivide it
    9. project all from the visible merged subtool that you made before.

    and now youll have the lowpoly with sudivisions.
    ofc. you dont have to do all this steps if you dont need to further change the highpoly character, or dont need all the subdivisions in 1 subtool. but... this worked for me.
  • TillM
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    TillM polycounter lvl 4
    Ok Thank you very much for the detailed answer. I will try out your suggestion and let you know if it worked ;)
  • TillM
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    TillM polycounter lvl 4
    Hey! So I finnaly worked it out.
    The solution was to seperate the lowpoly mesh into single pieces in maya, import them to zbrush, then subdivide them to the desired resolution and project the old highpoly on them piece after piece.
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