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Relax UVs of a triangulated Mesh...

polycounter lvl 12
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Gazu polycounter lvl 12
Hi Guys!

I dont know why, but my decimated Mesh wont relax properly.
Its a very simpel Mesh with a lot of Planar Mapping.
But when Hiting the Relax Button of TexTools, the Planar Faces start to rotate and to collapse into each other.


After clicking one time on Relax from TexTools:

I dont understand this.
Its planar and i have Cuts all around, as you can see in the UV Editor.
I want to relax just to make sure to have no stretching at the borders.

And i tried the Max Relax Functions,too.
Never had this problem before.

Anybody an idea?

Gazu :thumbup:


  • nick!
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    nick! polycounter lvl 16
    The UV island may be mirrored. Try flipping it with the little mirror/symmetry icon, and then try relaxing it.

    If that doesn't solve it, try resetting the Xforms and then try relaxing.
  • Gazu
    Offline / Send Message
    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    Hey Nick!

    Thank you for your answer.
    Actually it was Mirrored. But the Relax Button couldnt helped in this situation.
    I gave it a try in Maya and Maya turned it with Smooth UVs in the right direction.

    Never used the Mirror/Symetry Icon. Thanks for this! ;)

    Can somebody explain me the difference between Relax and Quick Peel?
    Often Quick Peel works faster and better then relax.
  • Adam Chilton
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    Adam Chilton polycounter lvl 4
    I'm not familiar with 'Quick Peel' as I believe it's a Max feature and I'm lucky enough not to have to use 3DS Max at work ;)

    The problem with relaxing meshes as a whole, is that it's trying to solve the problem of warped UV's by making everyone happy. With a nice clean quad mesh it may be able to achieve this, but with lots of triangles it suffers.

    My advice would be to try relaxing small areas at a time, this is what I often do and it almost always creates better results than if you try and relax the whole thing at once.
  • Gazu
    Offline / Send Message
    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    Hey Adam,
    i understand what you mean.
    You mean to relax some UVs and not the whole Surface at once, right?

    Whats funny in Maya when Smoothing UVs:
    Its smoothing better when the Shell has a bigger scale...lol...

    So when its small, nothing happens.
    But when i scale it big, out of the 0-1 Space, it smoothes the UVs...
    Is this some kind of Bug in Maya?
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