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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

polycounter lvl 2
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nidalnijm polycounter lvl 2
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  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Out of curiosity have you run the script? I dont see anything that should stop it from working in 2009 but maybe the last line:
    createDialog renameMaps 200 210 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

    can be changed to
    createDialog renameMaps 200 210

    Not sure if those styles were there for 2009. I tried it on the oldest copy I had at work which was 2011 and it ran.
  • nidalnijm
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    nidalnijm polycounter lvl 2
    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Lorem Ipsum Dolor
  • amartinez
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    amartinez polycounter lvl 8
    Hello, if you got some time, can you try this code?
    - Original diffuse texture extension is not important.
    - Diffuse texture should be 'suffixless' or have the same suffix assigned in the script. (i.e. sword.tga or 'sword_DIFF.tga' if _DIFF is the desired suffix name).
    - Actual files must exist in the same diffuse texture path.
    - Added an extension too, in case you are using a .jpg but want to assign other types of extension files.

    It doesn't have the original creator anywhere, it would be fair to put his name along with the script if you can find who was it?
    try(destroyDialog ::renameMaps)catch()
    rollout renameMaps "rename Maps"
    	local slots = #("Diffuse Map", "Specular Map", "Normal Map")
    	local sufix = #("_DIFF", "_SPEC", "_NORM")
    	local ext = ".tga"
    	local appendPath = pathConfig.appendPath
    	group " _Sufix : " 
    		edittext et_diff "Diffuse   :" pos:[10,25] width:180 height:17 text:sufix[1]
    		edittext et_spec "Specular :" pos:[10,45] width:180 height:17 text:sufix[2]
    		edittext et_norm "Normal    :" pos:[10,65] width:180 height:17 text:sufix[3]
    	group "File Type"
    		edittext edt_fileType "File Type  :" width:180 height:17 text:ext
    	group " Add && Rename : "
    		checkbox cb_spec "Add Specular Map" checked:on
    		checkbox cb_bump "Add Normal Bump" checked:on
    		spinner spn_amount "Bump Amount:             " fieldwidth:60 range:[-999,999,100] type:#integer
    	button btn_doit "DO THE JOB!" width:192 height:35
    	on cb_bump changed state do spn_amount.enabled = state
    	on btn_doit pressed do
    		if selection.count == 0 then messageBox "Select Some Object!" title:"Warning" beep:off else
    			sufix = #(et_diff.text, et_spec.text, et_norm.text) ; array = #()
    			for node in selection where node.mat != undefined do
    				if (material = getClassInstances Standardmaterial target:node).count != 0 do
    					for mat in material where mat.filterMapAmount != 17 do
    						if mat.diffuseMap != undefined and isKindOf mat.diffuseMap bitmapTex do
    							local baseName = getFilenameFile mat.diffuseMap.filename
    							-- File could already contain the suffix, remove it.
    							if (matchPattern baseName pattern:("*" + sufix[1]) ignoreCase:true) then
    								baseName = substituteString baseName (sufix[1]) ""
    							mat.diffuseMap.name = baseName + sufix[1]
    							-- (Current extension of the file, not used)
    							local currExt = getFilenameType mat.diffuseMap.filename
    							local ext = edt_fileType.text
    							path = getFilenamePath mat.diffuseMap.filename
    							if cb_spec.checked and doesFileExist (file = appendPath path (baseName + sufix[2] + ext)) do
    								mat.specularLevelMap = Bitmaptexture name:(baseName + sufix[2]) fileName:file
    							if cb_bump.checked and doesFileExist (file = appendPath path (baseName + sufix[3] + ext)) do
    								mat.bumpMap = Normal_Bump normal_map:(Bitmaptexture name:(baseName + sufix[3]) fileName:file)
    								mat.bumpMapAmount = spn_amount.value
    						mat.filterMapAmount = 17
    						append array mat
    					array.filterMapAmount = 100
    createDialog renameMaps 200 280 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

    Hope it works well!

    (Expected behavior)
  • nidalnijm
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  • nidalnijm
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