Recently I have tried compiling back into a mdl to be viewed ingame as I tried editing the qc files with particles. However problems encountered before I even go into adding particles..:(
Compiling is sucess, however I cant seem to view the textures, it is invisible when viewed ingame and HLMV it is displayed as pink and black checkered and it shows "*** ERROR *** Modelviewer attempted to load one or more VMTs it can't find.
This is my QC file:

This is my VMT file:

I really have no idea where did I gone wrong.
The VMT,VTF textures are created through ingame importer.
The SMD,qc are created into mdl manually from GUIStudioMDL
Any help with the textures?
Drag and drop your .mdl on to the .exe file of this tool, it will give full information about textures, you will find where your paths are wrong.
texture path is also same as $cdmaterials path.
But still get the VMT error and appearing checkered textures..
However viewing it ingame is still same checkered textures..