I have pretty decent card at work, GTX 760 1Gb or something like that, but photoshop turns it off when, I assume, it thinks it's to much for the gfx to handle. It happens when I have some six 2-4k textures loaded at once.
It's just so fucking frustrating having to shut a document down, go in to the settings and check GPU, reopen the file. Happens like 10 times a day some times..
So! Is there like a settings file or something I can snoop around in to kill this automatic feature?
Btw, it's pretty amazing how bad the zoom is in PS when you go from GPU processed zoom to standard..
This did work at home.
And yes, I gotz the driverz
It's stored in binary is all, the names for data types are written backwards, the first quarter or so of the file looks like a pointer table. Fun stuff!
I've been having this issue a lot, seemingly at random, too. This is probably the source of my frustrations!
Oh.. That might be the cause too! Last thing I did last night was to use ndo and this morning I get to work with the setting unchecked..
[Edit] Were is the settings file :poly122:
[Edit #2] Never mind, it's here C:\Users\****\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings
It was off by default, so I turned it on.
Yeah just dont see why it even needs to be in binary. Better yet you cant access much of the pref's with javascript.
It's a lot faster to read/write in binary than ascii, and there's a ton of settings that go into the file. If you have a need for it, I could probably write a file spec that you could use.