I started learning blender and such in order to make my own custom maps. For starters i want to at least import some Final Fantasy models into the
Workshop Tools. It was released fairly recent, and so even the Valve wiki is blank, on how to import models.
I have a smd file + 3 texture pngs + rda (animation) file. I imported the smd to Blender, i did a bone weight transfer from the obj model to the smd model, unwrapped, and applied the two textures by making two image materials. Now from here, i have no idea what to do.

Because i am not making a cosmetic mod, i just went fk it, so i downloaded the DotA 2 Workshop Tools to experiment with it. It seems i have to import the smd/dmx and then it gets saved as a vmdl. Great now i open the model editor, and i choose to make a new VDML file from mesh file. So i upload the obj file because smd i have no idea but the model is facing down even though i exported with commands -uv flip and -rotate 90 (so it appears straight in Blender).

I can't even select it, rotate it, move it or anything.

So i double click on one of the 'error' materials of the mesh...

Basically all you can do is change the variable color. So i decide to make a new material, which is saved as a .vmat file. And upload the texture. But i can't find how to assign it to a part of a model, nevertheless, break the model down like i can in Blender - so i can apply both 2 textures (3 for facial expressions). It turns out like this in Blender if you uv map it on a smd file as it thinks it's just 1 mesh or something, unlike obj. (this is my noob analysis, only started modeling a few days ago)

So i change the red material that's there, says it can't be changed because it's default, but i change it anyway to hero shader since it's already assigned to the main mesh. Upload the tga. Instant crash.
I know this was released not long ago, but if someone who has knowledge in importing models to this tool. I would really like help. I have never used Hammer editor, but wouldn't this be quite similar to that?