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A begginer looking for feedback - First completed game character


So I finally finished my first character and would like to get opinion on it. I know it's not highest quality character but please keep in mind this is the first time I managed to make poly-hair and baking maps (except for normals which I have done before)


it has lots of polygons, (around 24,000) I'm still trying to get a feel for how to low-poly a mesh.. I try to keep the "silhouette only" rule but it's still turn out to be many polys.

2k maps: Normals, Cavity, AO, Texture, Specualrity.

Rendering in marmoset. using ZBrush, Maya,Topogun, RoadKill, XNormals, Photoshop.

Please don't mince words! I won't break I promise.


  • Crazy_pixel
    Offline / Send Message
    Crazy_pixel interpolator
    Nice start for a beginner, I know that hairplanes could be pain in the ass :D What was your idea behind this character? Are you using a reference or from scratch?

    I think that your textures could get more details, her skirt has a pattern texture but the rest is a mix of boring colors. And her specular looks like plastic. Try to look at real fabrics and skin to define each specular value seperate.
  • zearou
    Nice start for a beginner, I know that hairplanes could be pain in the ass :D What was your idea behind this character? Are you using a reference or from scratch?

    I think that your textures could get more details, her skirt has a pattern texture but the rest is a mix of boring colors. And her specular looks like plastic. Try to look at real fabrics and skin to define each specular value seperate.

    Thanks! I still got a lot to learn. For example, do you happen to know good articles/tutorials about specular value adjustment for different effects? the only thing I know about specular is that it's connect to the gloss in a way.

    I was working from a reference she's a character from a game I like, but tried to give it my own interpretation of how she'll look in real life, (shes 16 and from Russian origins so I tried to make her a bit more mature) Although I worked from multiply references for each piece of her, I found this image which probably capture the most in a single image:

  • Vertrucio
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    Vertrucio greentooth
    Your folds and clothing needs more artistry. Clothing doesn't just wrap around someone, it flows with their movement, hangs off the body in layers.

    Right now, you just have lumpy meshes that just happen to be wrapped around the body. Tie it more to the body underneath, even the loosest of clothes are defined by the forms underneath.

    And use a still image. A twirling model serves no purpose than a distraction.
  • zearou
    Vertrucio wrote: »
    Your folds and clothing needs more artistry. Clothing doesn't just wrap around someone, it flows with their movement, hangs off the body in layers.

    Right now, you just have lumpy meshes that just happen to be wrapped around the body. Tie it more to the body underneath, even the loosest of clothes are defined by the forms underneath.

    And use a still image. A twirling model serves no purpose than a distraction.

    I think I get your point but to make sure, you mean like make it feel like the cloth as weight overall, or do you mean to be more careful of where I put my the folds specifically and how to make them flow better?

    Could you give me an example image for cloth done right? (preferably with the same type of clothing)
  • Crazy_pixel
    Offline / Send Message
    Crazy_pixel interpolator
    this tutorial was for me very helpful :)

  • zearou
    this tutorial was for me very helpful :)


    Thank you! I really appreciate the help :)
  • Steve Schulze
    Offline / Send Message
    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    She's got an enormous head. I know that's somewhat consistent with the anime character (although I think it's still erring on the large side), but given you've gone for a more realistic treatment, I think you probably need to scale the head down to something a little closer to realistic.

    Probably doesn't need to be exactly human proportionate given you've still got some stylisation going on there. Maybe a halfway point.

    Would be good to get a few stills up too. It's a little tricky to get a clear idea of how she's looking when she's spinning round and round.
  • zearou
    Jackablade wrote: »
    She's got an enormous head. I know that's somewhat consistent with the anime character (although I think it's still erring on the large side), but given you've gone for a more realistic treatment, I think you probably need to scale the head down to something a little closer to realistic.

    Probably doesn't need to be exactly human proportionate given you've still got some stylisation going on there. Maybe a halfway point.

    Would be good to get a few stills up too. It's a little tricky to get a clear idea of how she's looking when she's spinning round and round.

    Is it obvious that I had trouble with the head proportions? :S I actually measured it a lot and tried to maintain some child like feel. And I went for a realistic style, no matter what the reference was if the head looks enormous then thats no good. >.<

    Here is a stills image, should have thought about it before posting! :

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