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[WIP] Brass Knuckle Shotgun!!

polycounter lvl 4
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Layt polycounter lvl 4


Okay check this out, its an automatic shotgun with brass knuckles, and a trench spike. For fighting close quarters, in trenches, against vampires or zombies! I guess..

Here's the progress on the low poly so far (8832 tris):





I'm not going to be able to work on this for at least a week for now, but I thought I could get some feedback on the low poly before I started the high poly sculpt.



  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    I can't imagine the brass knuckle being useful - wouldn't it mostly hit the barrel first?
  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4
    the barrel would hit first, followed by the brass knuckle haha. It depends on how you threw the punch I guess.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    The brass knuckles and spike really aren't practical, and you have seemingly randomly placed heat shields which would burn your arm when holding it...
  • KazeoHin
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    KazeoHin polycounter lvl 8
    The idea is cool, but iterate it further to be more practical. Trust me when I say that the coolest looking stuff is usually practical. Like the SR-71 and the AK47: those are all totally practical designs built for their purpose and nothing else. Looking cool was a total accident.
  • RaptorCWS
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    RaptorCWS polycounter lvl 12
    I wouldn't put a spike pointing toward my body on the grip of a shotgun, especially one with automatic fire. and if you can only use one hand to keep the shotgun under control you increase your likely hood over hurting yourself. They have quite a bit of kick. Why not mount it like a bayonet? It is a cool idea, but it looks like it would severely injure the user when they attempt to operate it.
  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4

    hahaha yeah yeah you guys, there's a reason why this gun doesn't exist in real life.

    Looks cool though! I'd play with it in a video game. I think Duke Nukem could wield it effectively.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Layt wrote: »

    hahaha yeah yeah you guys, there's a reason why this gun doesn't exist in real life.

    Looks cool though! I'd play with it in a video game. I think Duke Nukem could wield it effectively.
    You can't just use the logic "it's not a real gun lol" if you want a 3D piece to look good, you need a solid concept. If it doesn't look like it'll function then it'll never be a good piece. Also your smoothing needs sorting out.
  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4
    You can't just use the logic "it's not a real gun lol"

    Ha sure I can! you've played a video game before right?
    Also your smoothing needs sorting out.

    Now that's what I'm looking for! What exactly do you mean? Where? How would I fix it?
  • WarrenM
    Ha sure I can! you've played a video game before right?
    Let's turn that around then ... have you ever played a video game where the gun you were using didn't look functional?
  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    Layt wrote: »

    Looks cool though!

    Says who?
    No one here, it seems.

    How would you aim?
    Put your eye next to the sharp and hot metal pieces at the back? Or hold it at arms length and hope you don't angle it sideways? (And does a sight like that make sense, then?)
  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4
    Not... call of duty... cant understand. .. *head explodes*

    Haha no but seriously it is kind of a joke weapon. Im just having fun and playing with my art. Im glad the design is so interesting to look at and pull apart. But with that being said, I would only make it more outlandish and absurd at this point not less. I really want to do more and keep the discussion up but im stuck traveling this week.

    Think less Battlefield, more Sunset Overdrive or Duke Nukem.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Layt wrote: »
    Not... call of duty... cant understand. .. *head explodes*

    Haha no but seriously it is kind of a joke weapon. Im just having fun and playing with my art. Im glad the design is so interesting to look at and pull apart. But with that being said, I would only make it more outlandish and absurd at this point not less. I really want to do more and keep the discussion up but im stuck traveling this week.

    Think less Battlefield, more Sunset Overdrive or Duke Nukem.

    No, because those weapons have basis in reality, they function and make sense mechanically.



    I can see how I would hold it. I can see how it might have been constructed. It makes sense mechanically. It feels like it's based off of a chainsaw or other power tool.

    Yours does none of these things. You'd stab yourself in the leg. You'd burn yourself on the heat shield which don't make sense (what are they shielding?) How do the rounds get into the barrel from the magazine as it is placed? And the back end just ENDS, no butt, nothing mechanically interesting, just a face. It's not interesting or fun to pull apart. Absurd does not mean badly thought out. As far as I'm concerned this might as well be your concept:


    (At least this has a decent form and structure)

    But sure, shrug off advice. You won't get very far if your response to everything is PFF I LIKE IT. And I don't know why you are trying to make your own designs when you clearly don't know much about modelling (or concepting for that matter).
  • donofdon
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    donofdon polycounter lvl 2
    you'd be better off just chucking it at an enemy...
    ok, I know its to be an absurd weapon but perhaps you could shift the pistol grip to where it should be (at the back of the gun..) and have vert grip at the front with a big ol spikey knuckle duster, you start getting a bit more believability? i'd just lose the pointy down spike and nuke the eotech
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Yea, this really doesn't jive well. You have too many elements that just don't make sense. Functionality is pretty important. I can't remember playing any games, real, scifi, steam punk, or fantasy where the weapons didn't look functional. Concept guys are pretty big on functionality so they make sure a weapon is designed with that in mind. I think by now it should be pretty obvious that you are on the wrong track if you don't think things through a bit more. And not listening to sound advice given over and over by other artists in the industry doesn't make you a unique revolutionary designer, it just makes you a stubborn one who refuses to heed critique.
  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4
    Okay your right, im sorry, thats not at all what im trying to do. Im just not in a position where I can change anything, im on an airplane as we speak. Its just really rough getting attention making something like a gun, and I guess im getting a little desperate and grinding gears for feedback. I really do appreciate the feedback and im going to improve it once I get the chance
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Layt wrote: »
    Okay your right, im sorry, thats not at all what im trying to do. Im just not in a position where I can change anything, im on an airplane as we speak. Its just really rough getting attention making something like a gun, and I guess im getting a little desperate and grinding gears for feedback. I really do appreciate the feedback and im going to improve it once I get the chance
    I really wouldn't model a gun until you know you have the concept done. Draw it. Make a block out. Get feed back on that and THEN model it, when this part is good. If you can't change it right now, no worries about it! Don't let it play on your mind. And critique is only a good thing. If no one told you how to improve then you might make an entire portfolio of really bad pieces, only to be shot down when it counts. Critique will help you improve and save you time and energy in the long run. Don't take it to heart, just see it as a positive step in the right direction.

    I've never done any real concepting before, but if I were in your shoes my start would be to download images of like, every gun ever. There are great website with galleries. Learn how guns work. Keep this in mind when bashing out ideas. Incorporate ideas from designs you like. I see a lot of artists make a variety of black silhouettes to choose from. EG:


    Note how you can really get a feel of what the weapon might be like just from it's silhouette. A strong silhouette is important in a design. And always keep in mind functionality. This doesn't mean you have to drop you basic idea, such as "brass knuckle shotgun". It just means you need to work it in in a more believable way. For example, "punchy shotgun" brings one thing to mind for me: the fallout ballistic fist.


    I don't think I need to explain how this works. You can tell by looking. Because you can see how it functions.
  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4
    Okay finally back to my work station. I was so anxious to show my model before I left for business that I didn't cover all my bases. I just sort of assumed everyone would just sort of "get it", but communication is important. And "lol punch shotgun" is not enough communication, and running between connecting flights is not a good time to talk. My apologies again.

    So, serious mode now, here is what I'm making (warning this image is pretty big)


    In short, its a compact single handed shotgun that turns into a massive brass knuckle. It cannot be fired in melee mode. Its designed as a hyper aggressive gag type weapon for a third person shooter.

    Here is the list of changes I've made:

    - changed the heat shield looking piece into a mount for a forearm brace. It was not a heat shield, it contained the springs that expands the shotgun into a brass knuckle.

    - added an adjustable forearm brace

    - added studs to the fore grip mounting screws (front of the weapon)

    - added combat ridges to the barrel

    - shortened lower receiver

    - Oriented trench spike forward

    - made outward rails for lower receiver to better illustrate sliding action

    - moved bolt release switch further back

    - flipped around lower receiver slide lock (right side of weapon)

    - extended brass knuckles forward

    - made the lower receiver slide farther forward and added bumper.

    - redid spring release switch and mounted it on the left side of the lower receiver so one can press it with their thumb.

    This is still the low poly and the weapon is now 9806 Tris.

    I look forward to your feedback and suggestions. I'll do my best to answer your questions too!



  • KazeoHin
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    KazeoHin polycounter lvl 8
    looking better!
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I'd rotate the spike a little upward. So it stabs the same angle as when you punch. ... As long as it doesn't snap in half upon impact.
  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4
    I'd rotate the spike a little upward. So it stabs the same angle as when you punch. ... As long as it doesn't snap in half upon impact.

    Well I wanted to leave the option open for the wielder to only strike with the brass knuckle or to bury the 4 sided pick (trench spike) into the target. This is because this weapon was designed to be a "riot shotgun", but given the recent events going on here in the US with rioting and the police, I thought it would be in bad taste to label it as such.
  • Megacorpse
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    Megacorpse polycounter lvl 8
    I'd just dump the spike. It doesn't contribute to the dynamic of the weapon, in fact I think it makes the silhouette more confusing by expanding it downwards when it has to be a very straightforward weapon. If it's designed to punch, you might rather expand the brass knuckle part forward because now, even in melee position, you're hitting with the cannon and potentially damaging it. Also, given the way it's attached to the arm, you would barely be able to make good use of the scope. My 2 cents is simplify your concept and make it more obvious, just like for ghaztehschmexeh's Fallout concept.
  • sargentcrunch
  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4
    If it's designed to punch, you might rather expand the brass knuckle part forward because now, even in melee position, you're hitting with the cannon and potentially damaging it. Also, given the way it's attached to the arm, you would barely be able to make good use of the scope.

    No it'll be fine. The barrel is designed for you to hit people with, punch away.
    Once the weapon is in shotgun mode you can maneuver it around like a normal firearm. The sight is an EO holographic sight, not a scope. The only reason I'm pointing this out is because its not suppose to go right up to your eye, it needs to stand off a good bit. But in all honesty the sight is more for silhouette purposes, because its meant for a third person shooter. The player would never actually look down the sights themselves. Anyway here's a picture to illustrate what I'm babbling about:

    You could make the spike a lot smaller, almost like a diamond shape and make it point straight down. Right now it looks like it will break in half if anything touches it.

    It looks like your right. I REALLY wanted to make a trench spike, but it looks like its just not going to work. I think the diamond stud is more in the spirit of the blunt nature of the weapon but I was really hoping to get some visual contrast with that spike. oh well.
    Also, you might want to look into some sort of way of stabilizing the gun, shotguns tend to kick a lot, and with a barrel that short it would kick 10x worse. So maybe something attached to the circular piece you have now. Or maybe even a stock (you could make a folding stock, similar to an folding AKM stock)

    I realize now I never said this but its designed to fire 20 gauge slugs or shot at near point blank range. 20 gauge shells really aren't as bad as you might think, but I do hear what your saying. Which circular piece are you speaking of, do you mean the forearm brace? What do you think could be done?
    A folding stock would be pretty cool but I'm really trying to suggest that single handed feel. In game I would want it to fall in the pistol class of weapons. But ill definitely experiment with a folding stock.

    So I angled back the forearm brace and lengthened it, as well as adding breaching teeth to the barrel and shortening the trench spike into a diamond stud.


    Thanks again everyone I really appreciate the feedback and suggestions and am looking forward to moving on to the high poly.
  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4
    -added a scoop behind the magazine well

    -put a few extra shells on the right side of the weapon to visually balance it with the left side's magazine. Not 100% on this yet...

  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4

    I'm bringing this thread back from the dead. Well actually I'm more of taking it out of stasis. I received an offer for a AAA game industry job, and of course I dropped everything personal to put all my time and attention into that test! So pumped! :D:D

    But now its done, and I immediately came back to finish the "punchy shotgun" while I wait for the results to come back.

    so here is my latest progress I'm posting before I break for the night. Its a quick and dirty first bake for the high res taken right out of the Maya view port.

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated as always! Thanks :)






  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    this is such a good idea lol.

    Probably too late now for this feedback, but i really recommend making the gun thinner, there's no need for the whole thing to be as wide as the two magazine tubes. It looks like you're pulling reference from a keltec so check out how the outer frame is usually only as wide as the underlying part, and those tubes are the widest part of the gun

  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4
    this is such a good idea lol.

    Probably too late now for this feedback, but i really recommend making the gun thinner, there's no need for the whole thing to be as wide as the two magazine tubes. It looks like you're pulling reference from a keltec so check out how the outer frame is usually only as wide as the underlying part, and those tubes are the widest part of the gun

    Hey thanks, Im glad you like it.

    I'll go ahead and take a closer look at the scale. Your right though, I did take inspiration from the keltec shotgun! The magazine tubes are not magazine tubes at all though, they contain high tension springs which pop the weapon into melee mode when placed on safe and the release switch by the selector switch is pressed. I have a post on the first page briefly describing how it works.

    Anyway I've started texture painting and I thought I would post some progress pics. The images are right out of the Maya viewport as always, and consist of normal, diffuse, and spec maps. Ill add in more maps like gloss later when I bring it into marmoset. The brass on the shot gun shells looks particularly ugly, but I'm kind of hoping I can fix it up with a high gloss setting later... I hope.



  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    I would stop texuring right now and start focusing on material definition. Bring this into Marmoset, add a gloss map to your work flow and define painted metals (it looks like you should have 2 or 3 different painted metals) glossy plastic, grainy plastic, maybe rubber, brass, etc. Use gloss maps to define the materials first and then go in an define scratches and wear; I would *not* recommend adding gloss last.
  • Ootrick
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    Ootrick polycounter lvl 6
    Nice progress, good to see you take crit in stride. I Still don't think the spike/stud is working for you in respect to the militarized look your going for.

    Sunkist has it right, stop the detail and map out your contrast/values first and then go into material definition.
  • Layt
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    Layt polycounter lvl 4
    I would stop texuring right now and start focusing on material definition. Bring this into Marmoset, add a gloss map to your work flow and define painted metals (it looks like you should have 2 or 3 different painted metals) glossy plastic, grainy plastic, maybe rubber, brass, etc. Use gloss maps to define the materials first and then go in an define scratches and wear; I would *not* recommend adding gloss last.

    AH shoot! :poly117: I really wish I would have saw this earlier! your absolutely right and this would have saved some headaches!

    I'm sorry everyone, I forgot I was posting here on polycount. I've already finished and submitted the piece, but I can definitely keep this in mind with my next project!

    So it should go normal, gloss, spec, diffuse yeah? I had a bit of a hangup:

    I had everything handled by one material, as this is how I was trained. This mad it really annoying to get the reflective values I wanted for the rubberized fiberglass and the subdued metal at the same time. Am I actually suppose to have multiple materials on my mesh?

    I dunno,.. anyway this is what I ended up with!









    Thanks again everyone for your help, I learned a lot. If there is anything else I should look at going forward from here, I'd love to hear it!
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