I managed to find a 1.6 version on a chinese website. I edited it to work with Max 2010 and everything seems to be working just fine now. I'm still on the look out for the last version released.
PyrZern: It's just an old collection of UV mapping tools for Max. New scripts like Tex Tools are great but they can easily overwhelm a user when it comes to doing simple packing tasks. Since I do my unwrapping in UV Layout, all I need to do in Max is just pack. Chugnuts is perfect for that.
So, what is it ? And how good is it ?
I managed to find a 1.6 version on a chinese website. I edited it to work with Max 2010 and everything seems to be working just fine now. I'm still on the look out for the last version released.
PyrZern: It's just an old collection of UV mapping tools for Max. New scripts like Tex Tools are great but they can easily overwhelm a user when it comes to doing simple packing tasks. Since I do my unwrapping in UV Layout, all I need to do in Max is just pack. Chugnuts is perfect for that.