ok, I think I'm pretty much done here with the relaxed face. The teeth and gums are there, and finished but you just can't see them in relaxed pose.
I Just need to import the angry and sad facial expressions now. I have yet to make the sad facial expression, but the angry is done and good to go. So with about 2 or 3 hours worth of work on a sad expression I think I can call this done and post everything up here.
I'll post a version with marmoset viewer too so people can see it in full 3d.
Thanks for watching, and if anyone has any last crits I'd appreciate it!
Thanks so much guys, I'm so happy people are liking it!
Bedrock: I agree man, if I did this again I would approach the highpoly hair slightly differently for sure. I did some final work on the textures, materials, and post processing. I think the hair is reading a little better now than before at least. Thanks for the crit!
I'm still messing around with the viewer, the subsurface scattering and the shadows are not looking correct in the viewer right now, I'll figure out whats going on and reupload the viewer but here it is in the mean time along with some final shots.
(I probably have to make the first shot in the image below a stronger angle, looks almost the same as the middle one currently. lol)
Someone requested that I make a tutorial explaining my process so I whipped this up. My workflow for everything is standard really, its just how I handled the diffuse texture that was unconventional especially in a pbr system. Most stuff can probably be explained just by looking thru this thread, but here is a tutorial on my process for the diffuse specifically. Hope its useful!
Really a shame dropbox made those changes and now all images to my public folder have now been broken. I know some of the stuff I have posted has been helpful for some trying to do similar stuff. I'm posting up a few more images on my artstation so people can at least get the texturing tutorial there. Thanks again everyone for the support!
I Just need to import the angry and sad facial expressions now. I have yet to make the sad facial expression, but the angry is done and good to go. So with about 2 or 3 hours worth of work on a sad expression I think I can call this done and post everything up here.
I'll post a version with marmoset viewer too so people can see it in full 3d.
Thanks for watching, and if anyone has any last crits I'd appreciate it!
Awesome work.
Bedrock: I agree man, if I did this again I would approach the highpoly hair slightly differently for sure. I did some final work on the textures, materials, and post processing. I think the hair is reading a little better now than before at least. Thanks for the crit!
I'm still messing around with the viewer, the subsurface scattering and the shadows are not looking correct in the viewer right now, I'll figure out whats going on and reupload the viewer but here it is in the mean time along with some final shots.
(I probably have to make the first shot in the image below a stronger angle, looks almost the same as the middle one currently. lol)
Marmoset viewer: https://bradmyers82.artstation.com/portfolio/dishonored-fan-art-30dd3188-0a75-4ed8-a0b8-28623a6f3390
Final screen grabs Marmoset:
Really looks like a painting. Love it.
Thanks a lot guys, I'm so happy it worked out!
Slosh: Thanks for the help thru out man!
Updated the Marmoset viewer here, I'm pretty happy with how it looks there finally.
Someone requested that I make a tutorial explaining my process so I whipped this up. My workflow for everything is standard really, its just how I handled the diffuse texture that was unconventional especially in a pbr system. Most stuff can probably be explained just by looking thru this thread, but here is a tutorial on my process for the diffuse specifically. Hope its useful!