hi i need a little help picking out a 2nd monitor. i have looked on the forums and i didn't see anything recent about this.
im looking at picking up a 2nd monitor for my macbook pro 15" with retina (mid 2014) i work with 3d modeling and i paint my textures.
i am not really sure about which one to get. ideally the monitor needs to be versatile so i can switch it to my ps4 or my desktop as need.
i was looking at the AOC U2868PQU and it's well within my price range but i am just not sure.
it has to look as amazing as the display on my macbook. i just need a larger working area for when i do get to work at home. but i would like to be able to use it for more then just the macbook to justify getting it and spending a decent amount on it.
does anyone have one of these monitors and do 3d modeling and gaming on it? id love to hear more. it's out of my normal price range however if it will stay valid for a long time i can justify spending so much on just a monitor.
edit: my friend keeps telling me to ditch the idea of having it compatible with everything else and get the thunderbolt display.
How the monitor can be designed for video editing? Last time I checked they said it is perfect for content creators and gaming. 3D is content creation
And it got thunderbolt
They got cheaper versions too.
BTW. Correct me If I'm wrong but this AOC U2868PQU have TN matrix, right? Then it's not for content creation. You need something based on IPS matrix type.
both the videos you gave me ended up saying that it was ideal for video editing because of the long timelines.
and my friend says the docking from TBD is the main reason to get them over other monitors for my macbook.
honestly im not even sure what i want now. because i don't think i could get anything that can compete with the pixle density of the macbook 15" retina for an affordable price.
There has been lot of complaints that it's too glare-y, expensive, this, that, etc.
Well IT IS glare-y, and it's expensive, unexpectedly heavy (to the point that you won't want to move it after you put it at your place, not even for an once in a year LAN party, game jam or similar).
At the beginning I needed to get used to it, for about one week. And now I just love it...
Very comfortable, as a dock, like your friend says, is perfect (several USB ports for your tablet, mouse, external HDD, ethernet, extra thunderbolt port, cable to charge your laptop). You connect 2 cables and you're done, laptop is charging, everything else is connected.
If you use an apple keyboard, it comes with 2 USB ports too.
These USB's are 2.0 mind you, so, slow. And speakers, quite useless. FaceTime Cam, you have one on your retina already, so this one is a bit redundant.
It is super high quality, but not 4K though, and it has not been refreshed since 2011 I think. Honestly, it looks a bit 'dated' (it's really thick too compared to everything Apple nowadays). I bought it because sometimes the blind Mac fan bug bites hard... not regretting it though.
You could wait probably for the soon to happen conference where they will show the new gadgets, maybe a new TB Display is coming.
If not, refurbished maybe? To get under the $1k price.
Damn that seems good.
For the gaming part, he says it might not be the best for 'professional gamers' because of IPS lag and something else, seemed perfect for non-professional gamers though.
IPS w/ 120hz+
Super High Rez/ultra-wide
The Korean panels can overclock past 60hz a bit, and are 2560x1440, there's some reviews here of different ones.