Hey guys, first post here, just wanted to ask a few things regarding a weapon i'm making for the workshop.
Firstly, take a look at this (note it will be redone, i'm just wondering why its happened)

The lighter polygons, Im assuming thats just corruption due to constant deletion and re capping the hole? it cant be fixed by anything I try, driver, gamma/lut, shadows, nothing. Second point, is the curved part of the blade by the hilt looking like a jagged mess because of the scanline renderer or because of my topology? this is something which can really only be solved with my next question, ergo....
Im trying to extract the models for tf2, namely the bushwacka, so that I can line it up and scale it, as well as get the sniper model so I can rig the weapon, problem being, almost all tutorials are pre steampipe, can i ask does anyone have a link to a tutorial for extracting these models? would be much appreciated.
In Maya these are defined by hard/soft edges.
In Max these are defined by smoothing groups.