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steampunk flaregun, crits please

polycounter lvl 4
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Phaeton1911 polycounter lvl 4
ever since blood came out back in 97 ive had a thing for flareguns in games.
i want something fancy for my portfolio and this shall be it.

its gonna get the pbr treatment but i wanna know what people think of it style and construction wise
so far i want a fancy tangent sight on top and a proper firing pin assembly, and a small charm hanging on the lanyard ring




  • DWalker
    Flare guns don't really need much in the way of sights... aside from the end of From Russia With Love, your target is the sky, which is pretty hard to miss...

    Some of your design decisions don't make sense to me. Having the trigger extend beyond the trigger guard is a big no-no; the only thing it will do is catch on clothing, probably resulting in an extremely unpleasant fire. I don't understand the point of the worm gear under the barrel.

    For such a simple item, it's really hard to beat this Edwardian piece:
    If you really want to add embellishments, I'd limit it to scroll-work on the grip and engraving on the barrel. Keep in mind that flare guns are - and always have been - very utilitarian items. Creating a portfolio-worthy item depends more on the materials than the model; fingerprints on the brass, wear on the wood - that sort of stuff.
  • Phaeton1911
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    Phaeton1911 polycounter lvl 4
    yeah this things gonna have some nice engraving and get the general ndo2 treatment.

    the sight thing had occurred to me but its all about looks and details rather than practicality.
    those are two triggers, the outer is a cocking trigger (a fashionable feature circa 1870) and the worm gear is going to act as a barrel extender, hey its steampunk it doesn't have to make sense.

    and im way ahead of you on the webley model:
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    It looks pretty sweet modelling wise, but I'd have to go with DWalker on adding a sight to a flaregun.

    You could probably make it work however, but if you do I'd suggest really exaggerating the piece as a whole/make the whole flaregun look BATSHIT insane instead of simply adding a real sight to it.

    I probably would finish the flaregun as it is now without the scope, since it looks close to being done as far as realism goes. And then go back and revisit the whole thing if you'd like to make a crazier design.

    Up to you though, in the end it is afterall your piece :D
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    Just embed your images like DWalker did. If you want people to provide crits, make it easy for them and don't make them click off-site to view your WIPs. Goes a long way.
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