This is a render of Amsterdam cannals and their buildings, The Grasshopper including 36 coffeshop and I think no longer exists.
Modeled in Blender, render in cycles and photoshop.
Your render feels over-exposed. In the concept, on the top floors are lit directly, with the shadowed lower levels enhancing the late afternoon/early evening feel.
I think you went a bit overboard with the waves on the canal. In the concept, the water is almost flat. I think you'd do better with higher frequency but much lower magnitude waves.
I think you went a bit overboard with the waves on the canal. In the concept, the water is almost flat. I think you'd do better with higher frequency but much lower magnitude waves.
I think is to much vignette too. About water i used several references , that reference is the only one that water was calm , hehe.
Thanks for you critic and Regards.