I am a beginner modeler and am looking to build up a base library. Anyone know of any sites or resources? I will be rigging my final models and animating them so the topology need to be good. Much appreciated.
PS - long time lurker, hoping to be more active now that I can actually model.
wow, thats exactly what I was looking for. modo offers something similar for space art http://community.thefoundry.co.uk/store/kits/modelbashing/
but if one has a basic library of say human forms (like the one kurt posted), cars, sci-fi, then we can increase our efficiency a lot more by reusing components.
although it can be argued that if we are clothing human characters later ourselves, we might just start from 0 instead of base mesh. just wanted peoples take on this or whether such a base library really does facilitate productivity.
MakeHuman is interesting as well.
(need to fix this page on the new wiki)